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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN- BIOGRAPHT. Bracken, John, educator, college president, was born. He was a professor in William and Mary college; and in 1813 became the president. In 1814 he was elected bishop of the episcopal church. He died on July 15, 1818. brackenridge, Henry Marie, lawyer, jurist, author, was born May 11, 1786, in Pittsburg, Pa. In 1821 he was appointed United States judge for the western district of Florida. He was the author of History of the Late War Between the United States and Great Britbishop,




South America; Views of

Louisiana; Recollections of Persons and Places in the West; Essay on Trusts and Trustees; and History of the Western Insurrection. Died Jan. 18, 1871, in Pittsburg. Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, lawyer, author, was born in 1748 in Scotland. He was a Pennsylvania lawyer and humorist whose writings enjoyed great popularity in the early years of the nineteenth century. His principal

work was Modern

Chivalry, or the

Adventures of Captain Farrago and Teague O'Regan, and His Servant. He died Jan. 25, 1816,

Brackett, Albert Gallatin, soldier, author, 14, 1839, in Cherry Valley, N.Y. He served throughout the civil war. In 1886 he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general; and subsequently became a colonel in the United States army. He was the author of General Lane's Brigade in Central Mexico; and History of the United States Cavalry. He died June 25, 1896, in Washington, D.C. Brackett, Alpheus L., government official, genealogist, author, was bom June 16, 1849, in Industry, Maine; and is a son of Rev. S. B. Brackett of the

was born Feb.

Maine methodist conference; and a direct descendant of Anthony Brackett, who in 163132 settled in Ports-

mouth, N.H. He was educated in the public

and private schools of Maine. For twenty years he has been United States mail agent; is identified with the

and public business Wash.; and has filled sevpositions of trust and honor. He is the

aiiairs of Everett,


author of The Brackett Genealogy. Brackett,


Callender, educator, auth-

was born May 21, 1836, in Boston, Mass. For twenty years she has been principal of a girls' private school in New York City. She is the author of The Education of Ameror,


and the Higher Educaican Girls; tion; and The Technique of Rest. Brackett, Anthony, soldier.

In 1682 he

of Fort Loyall; and in 1688 held the command of the three forts He met his erected by Governor Andros.

was given the command

death at the hands of the Indians. Sept. 21, 1689.




Brackett, Byron Briggs, educator, electriengineer, scientist, was born Aug. 13, 1865, in Ira, N.Y. He received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. from Syracuse university and received the degree of Ph.D. from Johns cal

Hopkins university. He taught mathematics in Dickinson seminary and other institutions; and taught electrical engineering in the Union college and Johns Hopkins university. Since 1903 he has been professor of physics and electrical engineering at the Thomas S. Clarkson memorial school of tech-

He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. He has made valuable researches on magnetic stresses. Brackett, Edward Augustus, sculptor, poet, was bom Oct. 1, 1819, in Vassalborough, Me. He has produced portrait busts of Washingnology at Potsdam, N.Y.

Henry Dana, Bryant, Longfellow, Rufus Choate, Charles Sumner, John Brown, William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, General Butler and others. His marble group of the Shipwrecked Mother and Child is now the property of the Boston athenasum. He is the author of a volume of poems entitled Twilight Hours. Brackett, Gustavas Benson, military engineer, pomologist, government official, was born March 24, 1827, in Unity, Maine. He served three years in the civil war as captain of engineers; and subsequently was lieutenant-colonel in the Iowa militia. In 1876 he was commissioner in charge of the Iowa exhibits at the centennial exposition at Philadelphia, Pa.; in 1878 he was United States commissioner to the Paris exposition; in 1885 was delegate-at-large from Iowa to the national cotton exposition at New Orleans, La.; in 1893 represented the pomological division of the department of agriculture at the World's Columbian expositon, AUston, Richard

and was a juror in pomology. For four years he was president of the Iowa state horticultural society; and was secretary of the American pomological society for two years. He was expert in horticulture of the United States commission at the Paris exposition in 1900. He is now chief of the division of pomology in the United States department of agriculture at Washington. Brackett, J. Raymond, educator, litterateur, was born April 1, 1854, in Raymond, Maine. He attended Bates college and Yale college; and has received the degrees of B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. For many years he was engaged in educational work in New England: and since 1884 has filled the chair of comparative and English literature in the university of Colorado, of which institution he is director of the graduate school. Brackett, John Quincy Adams, lawyer, legislator, governor, was born June 8, 1842, In 1877-82 and 1884 he in Bradford, N.H. was a member of the Massachusetts house of representatives and was speaker of same in 1885-87. In 1881 he became a member of the common council of Cambridge; and two years later became a member of the upper tion;