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Since 1S98 he has been professor of art a,t the Indiana university. He is the author of The Newell Fortune; and Somer House. Brooks, Amy, illustrator, artist, author, was born in Chelsea, Mass. She graduated from the museum of fine arts of Boston, Mass.; and in 1895 exhibited her first picture. She illustrates her own works. She is the author of Randy's Summer; Randy's Winter; A Jolly Cat Tale; Randy and Her Friends; Dorothy Dainty; Randy arid Prue; Dorothy's Playmates; Randy's Good Times; Dorothy Dainty at School; Randy's Luck; Dorothy Dainty at the Shore; Randy's Loyalty; Dorothy Dainty in the City; and other works. Brooks, Arthur, clergyman, author, poet, was born in 1845 in Massachusetts. He was an episcopal clergyman of New York City. He was the author of Christ for To-day, a volume of sermons. He died in 1895 in

New York


Brooks, Bryant Butler, farmer, legislator, governor, was born Feb. 5, 1861, in Bernardston, ilass. He was educated in the Powers institute of Bernardston; and in the public and high schools of Chicago, 111. Ever since ] 882 he has been successfully engaged as a grower of all kinds of live stock in Wyoming. In 1896 he was a delegate to the national republican convention at St. Louis, Mo. He was a presidential elector in 1900; and has filled various other positions of trust and honor. In 1904 he was elected goveriKir of the state of Wyoming for the (erms of 1905-11. He is president of the B'. B. Brooks company; is president of the Brooks-Hudson company; is president of the Coal creek coal company; and a director of the Casper national bank. Brooks, Byron Alden, inventor, author, was born Dec. 12, 1845, in Theresa, N.Y. He graduated from the Wesleyan university. He has invented four different kinds of typewritcrs^ notably the Remington. He has made important inventions in printing mechanics, such as the linotype and typesetting machines. He is the author of King Saul, Those Children and Their Teacher; Phil Vernon and His Schoolmaster; Earth Revisited; and other works. •

Brooks, Caroline Shawk, sculptor, inventwas born April S8, 1840, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1877 she secured a patent for improvements in the methods of producing lubricated moulds in plaster. In 1878 she executed in butter at. Washington a life-size statue of the Dreaming lolanthe, which was successfully transported to Paris and exhibited at the world's fair of 1878. She Bubsequently opened a studio in New York or,







Emanuel Swedenborg, James A. Garfield, Thurlow Weed, George Eliot and Thomas Carlyle.

Brooks, Charles, educator, author, was born Oct. 30, 1795, in Medford, Mass. He was an advocate of the Prussian educational system; and was the means of improving the New England public schools. He was the author of History of Medford; The Christian in his Closet; Daily Monitor; Family Prayer-Book; Elements of Ornithology; Introduction to Ornithology; and ten volumes of biography. He died July 7, 1873. Brooks, Charles Timothy, clergyman, author, was born June 20, 1813, in Salem, Mass. In 1837-73 he was a unitarian clergyman of Newport, R.I. He was the author of Songs of Field and Flood; The Simplicity of Christ; William Ellery Channing; and Poems Original and Translated. He died


14, 1883, in



Christopher Parkinson, lecturer, scientist, author, was born April 17, 1866, in England. In 1898 he organized and is managing director of the New Bedford textile school. He lectured in a course of municipal lectures in the city of Boston in 1899. He is the author of Cotton Manufacturing; Weaving Calculations; and Cotton, Its Uses, Varieties, Fibre Structure and



Brooks, David,

man, was born

soldier, in 1756.




entered the army in 1776 as a lieutenant in the Pennsylvania line; was captured at Port Washington; and remained a prisoner for two years. In 1797-99 he was a representative from New York to the fifth congress. He was subsequently first judge of Dutchess county for sixteen years. He died Aug. 30, 1838, in Dutchess county, N.Y'. Brooks, Edward, educator, author, was born Jan. 16, 1831, in Stony Point, N.Y. He was educated in the normal institute at Liberty, N.Y'.; and in 1851-54 studied rnd taught in the univorsity of northern Pennsylvania. In 1854-55 he was professor of mathematics in the academy of Monticello, N.y!; and in 185583 was professor and principal of the state normal school at Millersville. Pa. In 18911906 he was superintendent of the public schools of Philadelphia, Pa. In 1903 he reorganized the girl's high school and the girl's normal school; and in 1896 established the commercial high school "— girls; in 1898 established the departfor ment of commerce in the boys' high school; in 1893 introduced the observation of flag day; and organized the department of compulsory education. He is the author of The Story of King Arthur; Normal Methods
