HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Teaching; Beading and Elocution; The Story of the Iliad; the Normal Series of Mathematics, about twenty books; and other works. Brooks, Elbridge Gerry, clergyman, author, was born in 1816 in New Hampshire. He was a universalist clergyman of Philadelphia, r.a. He was the author of Universalism a Practical Power; Our New Departure; and,Universalism in Life and Doctrine. He died in 1878 in Philadelphia, Pa. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter, author, was born April 14, 1846, in Lowell, Mass. He has been editor of the Brooklyn Daily Times, St. Nicholas Magazine and Wide Awake; and became literary editor of the Lothrop Publishing company of Boston, Mass. He was the author of Life Work of Elbridge Gerry Brooks; In No Man's Land; Historic Boys; In Leisler's Times; Chivalric Days; Storied Holidays; Historic Girls; Story of the American Indian; The Story of New York; Storv of the American Sailor; Story of the United States; The True Story of Columbus; Heroic Happenings; A Son of Issachar; The True Story of George Washington; The Century Book for Young Americans; A Boy of the First Empire; Great Men's Sons The Story of Mariam of Magdala; The True Story of Abraham Lincoln; The Story of the American Soldier; The Century iiook of Famous Americans; Under the Tamaracks; and The Long Walls. He died Jan. 7, 1902, in Somerville, Mass. Brooks, Eleazer, soldier statesman, was born Sept. 10, 1727, in Concord, Mass. He became captain of militia in 1773; and took a prominent part in the war for independence, rising to the rank of brigadier-genEntering the general court in 1774, eral. he had a public career of thirty-seven years, becoming successively a representative, a member of the ilassachusetts senate, and a councillor. He died Nov. 9, 1806, in Lincoln,
Mass. Brooks, Erastus, iournalist, state senator, was born .Jan. 31, 1815, in Portland, Maine. In 1835 he began his career in Washington as correspondent to the New York Express and other papers. In 1840 he joined with his brother in the editorial management of the Express; and subsequently assumed the He was a member of the entire control. New York state senate. He died about 1880 in New Y'ork City. Brooks, Frank C, lawyer, jurist, was born Jan. 12, 1853. Since 1898 he has been judge of the fourth judicial district court of Minnesota. Brooks, Franklin E., educator, lawyer, congressman, was born in 1860 in SturIn 1883 he graduated from bridge, ^ras=;. Brnwn university; and received the degree of A.B. and A. 11.' from that institution. For several years he taught school; and was an In instructor in the Boston latin school. 1888 he grarlnated from the law school of the Boston university; and practiced law in Boston until 1891. Since 1892 he has prac-
ticed law in Colorado Springs, Col. In 190307 he was a representative from Colorado
to the fifty-eighth
and fifty-ninth congresses.
Brooks, Fred Emerson, reader, poet, author, was born Dec. 5, 1850, in Waverly, N.Y. In 1873-91 he lived in San Francisco, Cal.; and since 1891 has been a resident of New York City. He is well-known as a reader of his own poems; and is one of the foremost readers on the lyceum platform. He is the author of Battle Ballads; Old Ace and Other Poems; Pickett's Charge and
Other Poems; and several plays. Brooks, George Merrick, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born July 26, 1824, in Concord, Mass. He was a member of the Massachusetts state legislature in 1858; was a member of the state senate in 1859; and in 1859 was one of the committee chosen to revise the statutes of Massachusetts. In 1869-73 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the forty-first and fortysecond congresses. In 1873-93 he was judge of probate for Middlesex county, Mass. He died Sept. 22, 1893, in Concord, Mass. Brooks, George W., lawyer, jurist, was born in North Carolina. In 1866 he was appointed United States judge for the eastern district of
North Carolina. He died
in Eliza-
beth City, N.C. Brooks, Geraldine, historian, author, was born June 26, 1876, in Philadelphia, Pa. She is the author of Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days; Dames and Daughters of the Old Republic; and Romances of Colonial
Days. Brooks, Henry S., journalist, author, was born in London, England. In 1850 he was a California pioneer; in 1861 was editor of the California Mountaineer; and in 1862-65 he was associate editor of the Pacific. He is the atuhor of Dona Paula's Treasure and A Catastrophe in Bohemia.
Brooks, Henry Turner, physician, author, Sept. 18, 1861, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1901 he has been professor of pathology in the New York postgraduate school. He is the author of Manual of Clinical Microscopy and Chemistry. Brooks, Hildegard, litterateur, author, was born Feb. 8, 1875, in Dresden, Germany. In 1895 she graduated from Swarthmore colShe is the lege with the degree of B.S.
was born
author of Without a Warrant; The Master of Caxton: and Daughters of Desperation. Brooks, Horace, soldier, was born Aug. 14, He served in the 1814, in Boston, Mass. Seminole war of 1835-;;fi. He was brevetted brigadier-general at the close of the civil war. In 1S72-77 he commanded the presidio at San Francisco. He died March 26, 1890, in Detroit, ]Iich.
Brooks, Horatio
locomotive builder, Portsmouth, N.H. he began business in Dunkirk, unname of the Brooks locomotive From one locomotive a month, unimpulse of his strong mind and unactivity, the works grew until they
was born In 1869 der the works. der the ceasing
Oct. 30, 1828, in