HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Buchanan, Mrs. Sarah, pioneer. During war with the Creeks and Cumberlands in
1792 the fort was attacked by the Indians. When the bullets gave out Mrs. Buchanan was at hand with an apronful molded from pewter plates and spoons during the progress of the fight. She died Nov. 23, 1831, at Buchanan's Station, Tenn.
Buchanan, Thomas McKean, naval officer, was born Sept. 10, 1837, in Bellefonte, Pa. He was lieutenant-commander in 1863. He co-operated with the national army in many battles on the lower Mississippi; and was killed while encouraging his men in the sharp action at Bayou Teche. Farragut called him one of our most gallant and persevering young officers. He died Jan. 15, 1862, in Bayou Teche, La.
Buchanan, Thompson, was born June 21, 1877,
soldier, in
journalist, City.
New York
Since 1904 he has been connected with the New York Journal. During the Spanish-American war he was a private in company C, first regiment Kentucky volunteer infantry; and served through the Porto Rico campaign. In 1900 he was a lieutenant in the Kentucky state guard. He is the author of The Castle Comedy; Judith Triumphant; and the plays entitled The Intruder and Nancy Don't Care. Buchanan, Virginia, actress, was born in 1846 in Cincinnati, Ohio. She has attained national fame as an actress in various roles.
Buchanan, William Fairman, army surgeon, was born in Pennsylvania. He was an assistant surgeon and captain in the civil
the American Association for the advancement of science. He is the author of Study of Kant's Psychology, with Reference to the Critical Philosophy; and Kant's Educational Theory. Buchtel, Henry Augustus, clergyman, college president, was born Sept. 30, 1847, near Akron, Ohio. In 1873 he was a. missionary in Bulgaria; and then filled pastorates in the methodist episcopal church at Zionsville, Greencastle, Knightstown, Richmond, and LaFayette, Ind.; was pastor of the Central avenue church of Indianapolis, Ind.; was pastor of the first church of Mount Vernon, N.Y'. and pastor of the Calvary church of East Orange, N.J. In 1900-07 he was chancellor of the university of Denver. In 1907-09 he was governor of Colorado. Buchtel, John Richards, manufacturer, philanthropist, was bom Jan. 18, 1820, in Summit county, Ohio. In 1883 he helped to orwas for ganize the Akron iron company many years president of the C. Aultman and company; and in 1882 retired from the Buckeye Works and other enterprises. Through his interest and means Buchtel college was founded. He died May 23, 1892, in Akron, 0. Buck, Albert Henry, physician, surgeon, otologist, author, was born Oct. 30, 1843, in New York City. In 1864 he graduated from from Yale university; and in 1867 from the college of physicians and surgeons of New
He has
tained success in the
Buchanan, William Pickney, soldier, was born in Virginia. He graduated in 1820 from the United States military academy; and in 1822 became second lieutenant. He died Sept. 23, 1822, by drowning. Bucher, John C, jurist, congressman. He was for many years a judge of the circuit court of Pennsylvania. In 1831-33 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the twenty-second congress. He died on Oct. 26, 1851, in Harrisburg, Pa. Buchholz, Hednrich Ewald, journalist, author, was born Jan. 19, 1879, in Baltimore, Md. He has edited several Baltimore papers. He is the author of The Civil War; Governors of Maryland; Reconstruction; The Crown of the Chesapeake; and The County Seats of Maryland. Buchholz, Ludwig Wilhelm, educator, author, was born March 25, ia55, in Prussia. In 1887 he became superintendent of schools of Hillsborough county, Fla.; and in 1904 became superintendent and secretary of the board of public instruction. He is the author of Teachers' Book in Arithmetic. Buchner, Edward Franklin, educator, scientist, author, was born Sept. 3, 1863, in Pax-
practice of his profession in New York City. He is the author of Diseases of the Ear;
ton, 111. He was an instructor in Western college in 1889; and in 1903-08 was professor of philosophy and education in the university of Alabama. Since 1908 he has been profssor of philosophy and education in the Johns Hopkins university. He is a fellow of
Vestpocket Medical
Dictionary. He has also edited the English edition of Ziemssen's Cyclopasdia of Medicine, in sixteen volumes; Strieker's Histology and the Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, in eight vol;
umes. Buck, Alfred Eliab, soldier, educator, diplomat, congressman, was born Feb. 7 1833, in Foxeroft, Maine. He entered the army in 1861 as captain in thirteenth regiment Maine infantry; was lieutenant colonel of the ninety-first
ored troops in 1863; and of the fifty-first colored troops in 1864. He was brevetted colonel of volunteers for gallant conduct at the siege of Fort Blakely in 1865. He was amember of the consticonvention of Alabama in 1867. He
tutional was presidential elector in 1868. In 1869-71 he was a representative from Georgia to the forty-first congress. United States minister