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HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Buel, Alexander Wadleigh, lawyer, congresman, was born in 1813 in Rutland county, Vt. He received a thorough education in public schools of


Vermont; studied law and was admitted to the





was attorney


seminary of New York in 1871-88. the author of The Apostolic System Defended; Eucharistic Presence, Sacrifice and Adoration; and A Treatise on Dogmatic logical

he was

He died Feb. 1, 1891, in New York Buell, Abel, manufacturer, mechanic, inventorl was born about 1750 in Kilingworth, Theology.

for the city of Detroit; in 1837 was elected to the Michigan state legislature; in 1843-44 he was prosecuting attorney for Wayne county; and in 1874 was again elected to the state legislature. In

Conn. After the war he was employed by the state in coining coppers, for which he made all the apparatus. He then visited England, where he gained some icnowledge of the machinery used in the manufacture of cloth; and on his return erected a cotton factory in New Haven, one of the first in the country. He died about 1825 in New Haven, Conn.

1849-51 he was a representative from Michigan to the thirty-first congress. He died April 17, 1868, in Detroit, Mich.

Norwich, N.Y. In 1863-65 he served in the army of the Potomac. In 1868 he graduated from Cazenovia seminary; and then studied civil engineering- and surveying. In 1868-73 he was engaged in journalism; and 18831903 was secretary to Charles H. Cramp, the


Buel,- Clarence Clough, journalist, author, 29, 1850, in Laona, N.Y. He

was born July

has been assistant editor of the Century Magazine since 1881; and associate editor of the Century's War History; and a writer of thoughtful, polished prose and verse. Buel, James William, journalist, librarian, author, was born Oct. 22, 1849, in Golconda, 111. He received his education in the public schools; and at the I



of which he





In 1867 he was a

school teacher. He was employed as a reporter and editorial writer in various Kansas City St. Louis newspapers. He is the author of Heroes of the Plains


Exile of Blaine and Logan; Beautiful Paris; Columbus and Columbia; McKinley and His Times; The Library of American Reference, in six volumes The Great Operas, in ten volumes; The World's Wonders; Sea and Land; The Beautiful Story; The Living World; The Story of Man; Unknown Seas and Savage Lands; Buel's Manual of Self -Help; and Great Ach-

ievements of the Century. Buel, Jesse, jurist, legislator, agriculturist, journalist, statesman, litterateur, and author, was born Jan. 4, 1778, in Coventry, Conn. He was a noted agriculturist of Albany, who affected many reforms in farming. In 1823 York state ashe was a member of the


sembly; and for many years was a judge. He established the Albany Argus; and The Cultivator. He was the author of The Farmer's Instructor, in ten volumes; and also The Farmer's Companion, or Essays in Husbandry. He died Oct. 6, 1839, in Danbury, Conn. Buel, Samuel, clergyman, author, was born June 11, 1815, in Troy, N.Y. He was an episcopal clergyman of high church proclivities; and professor of divinity at the General Theo-

Buell, Augustus journalist, author.


soldier, civil engineer, Sept. 4, 1857, in

Was born

famous shipbuilder of Philadelphia, Pa. He the author of The Cannoneer Life of Paul Jones; and Life of Sir William Johnson. He is

died in 1904 in Philadelphia, Pa. Buell, Charles Edward, soldier, electrical engineer, author, was born Mkj 4, 1841, in Torrington.Conn. In 1861 he entered company E, tenth Massachusetts volunteer infantry; in 1863 was honorably discharged on account of wounds. He then became a patent attorney; and subsequently entered telegraph service. He has been president of thft United States telephone company; and president of the Buell electrical company. In 1880 he was special agent of the United States census for class telegraph and telephone; in 1890 was chief of division; and in 1892-99 was United States special commissioner to Porto Rico. He was the author of The Storage of Electrical Energy; Those That Own the Soil, Own the Country; and other Mono-




died in 1903.

Don Carlos, soldier, manufacturer, was born March 23, 1818, near Marietta, Ohio. He was an officer of note in the Florida, Buell,

Mexican and civil wars. he was graduated from %Vest




in 1841. In 1861 he received the appointment of brigadier-general of volunteers; and in 1862 became major-general of volunteers. In 1865 he became president of the Green River iron works; and he subse-

quently held



1890, the office of pension agent at Louisville. Ky. He died Nov. 18, 1898, in Louisville, Ky. Buell, George Pearson, soldier, was born in Indiana. In 1861 he was lieutenant-feolonel in the fifty-eighth regiment Indiana infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers. He died May 31, 1883.