the chair of mathematics. Since 1903 he has been president of the Colorado state school of mines. He has been a fellow of the geographical society of America; historian and deputy-governor society of Mayflower descendants; and has contributed to current publications valuable articles on scientific and mathematical subjects and on technical education. Aldis,
was born June
Franklin, lawyer, financier, 1853, in St. Albans, Vt. In
1874 he graduated from Yale college; and in 1876
began the practice of law
in Chicago, the pioneer in building the first of the tall steel frame work oflBce buildings in Chicago. He is a trustee of the Field Columbian museum; and president of the university club. Aldrich, Anne Eeeve, author, poet, was born April 25, 1866, in New York City. Her poems appeared in Lippincott's Magazine, the Century and various other periodicals. She was the author of the Rose of Flame 111.
He was
and Other Poems of Love; Songs About Love and Death; and a novel entitled The Feet of Love. She died in 1892. Aldrich, Mrs. Auretta Roys, translator, author, was born in 1829 in Fletcher, Vt. She was educated in Massachusetts; and also studied in Germany. She directed the translation of Bertha Meyer's Education of the Child; and other works. She is the author of Kindergarten Hand Book; Children, Their Models and Critics; Life and How to Live It; and miscellaneous contributions to moral, mental and physical education. Aldrich, Bishop, soldier, was born in New York. In 1855-63 he served in the United States army; in 1863 became second lieutenant; and in 1866 attained the rank of first Life,
lieutenant. He was brevetted first lieutenant for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania. He died May 16, 1877. Aldrich, Charles, soldier, journalist, legislator, historical collector, was born Oct. 2, 1828, in Ellington, N.Y. He received the rudiments of his education in the public schools; and was a
year at
Jamestown academy. Removing to Iowa in 1857 he established the Hamilton Freeman at Webster City. In 1860 he was the chief clerk of the Iowa state house of representatives;
and became a of that body
in 1882. He was the author of the first Iowa law for the protection of the harmless birds
and several other laws still in the code were placed there through his efforts. In 1862-64 he was adjutant of the thirty-second Iowa infantry. In 1864 he was for a short time
editor of the
Dubuque Daily Times; and
1866-69 was editor and proprietor of the Marshall Times. In 1875 he served on the Hayden geological survey of the western territories. From early life he was a collector of manuscripts, portraits and historical documents, which he gave to the state. This collection became the foundation of the historical department of Iowa, of which he was the curator from its establishment in 1892 until his death. He died March 8, 1908, in Des Moines, Iowa. Aldrich, Charles Henry, lawyer, public of-
was born Aug. 28, 1850, in La Grange county, Ind. He was educated in the public schools of his native state; and graduated from the high school of Ann Arbor, Mich. In 1875 he graduated from the university of Michigan; and in 1893 received the degree of A.M. from that institution of learning. In 1876-86 he practiced law in Fort Wayne, Ind.; and since 1886 has practiced his profession in Chicago, 111. In 1892-93 he was solicitor-general of the United States. He is a republican in politics; and a member of the Union league and Glen View clubs. ficial,
Cyrus, contractor, congressman,
was born
in June, 1808, in Smithfield, R.I. followed the various occupations of a sailor, a boatman, a farmer and a contractor; was a member of
the Illinois state legislature; and was also a registrar of deeds and registrar of the land office at Dixon for four years. He removed to
Minnesota; and was a
of the constitutional convention. In 1859-63 he was a representative from Minnesota to the thirty-sixth and thirtyseventh congresses. After leaving congress he was appointed commissioner to settle claims against the Sioux Indians; and in 1867 was appointed postmaster at Minneapolis, Minn. He died Oct. 5, 1871, in Minneapolis,
Aldrich, Edgar, lawyer, legislator, jurist, was born in 1848 in Pittsburg, N.H. In 1885 he was a member and speaker of the New
legislature. Since 1891 he has been judge of the United States for the district of
Aldrich, Francis Frederick, lawyer, author, was born Feb. 26, 1845, in Philadelphia, Pa. He practiced law in Philadelphia, Pa. He has published Digest of the Laws and Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia; and Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania from 1883 to 1887. Aldrich, J. Frank, civil engineer, business
man, congressman, was born April 6, 1853, in Two Rivers, Wis. In 1861 he removed to Chicago, 111.; and subsequently engaged in the