HE3RRIKGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. manufacture of linseed oil and later in the gas business. He has been a member of the Cook county board of commissioners, and was president of that body during the reform period in 1887; was also a member of the county board of education; and served as commissioner of public works of Chicago in 1891-93. In 1893-97 he was a representative from Illinois to the fifty -third and fifty-
lished the Occult
fourth congresses as a republican.
Aldrich, James, journalist, poet, was born 1810 in Suffolk, N.Y. In 1840 he established the Literary Gazette of New York City, in which a number of his verses appeared. His poems were privately printed by his daughter in 1884. He died in October, 1856. in
statesman, was born July 25, 1850, in Barnwell, S. C; and is the son of James Thomas Aldrich. In 1872 he graduated from Washington and Lee university of Lexington, Va. He was a member of the South Carolina legislature in 1878-89, missing one term only through sickness. In 1889 he was elected circuit judge of South Carolina; was re-elected in 1893; and is now Aldrich,
the presiding judge. Aldrich,
James Thomas, lawyer, author,
in 1819 in Charleston, S.C. He refused every political position tendered him except as an officer in the service of the confederacy. In 1842 he was admitted to practice law; and soon became one of the leaders of the South Carolina bar, especially in the courts of equity. Mr. Aldrich, like many of
name, was the author of a number of poarticles that have been a,
ems and literary
valuable acquisition to current literature. He died in 1875 in Barnwell, S.C. Aldrich, John Merton, educator, zoologist, author, was bom Jan. 28, 1866, in Olmstead county, Minn. He graduated from the South Dakota agricultural college in 1888. In the following three years he studied at the university of Minnesota, Michigan agricultural college and at the university of Kansas. He subsequently studied at the Leland Stanford university of California, from which institution he received the degree of Ph.D. Since 1893 he has been professor of zoology at the university of Idaho. He has written various papers on entomology, the principal one being Catalogue of North American Diptera, published in 1905 by the Smithsonian institution of Washington, D.C.
Aldrich, Mrs. Josephine Cables, philanthroauthor, was born June 12, 1844, in Litchfield, Conn. Left motherless at the tender age of five years, she was brought up by her grandmother, a stern woman of Puritan stock. These ungenial surroundings produced a spirit of compassion and tenderness for all beings, and her ruling passion has ever pist,
been to succor and help the unfortunate and afflicted. She was at one time corresponding secretary of the Theosophical society of the United States; and was president of the Rochester brotherhood. In 1882 she estab-
in Rochester, N.Y.;
and her writing on the side of beneficence and mercy attracted wide attention. She moved to the south after marriage to the Hon. W. F. Aldrich of Aldrich, Ala. and there put into practical effect the advanced theories in which she believes. Good schools are maintained for both whites and blacks; and she
now advocates
a general reform, providing in criminal cases a public defender. She is vice-president of the woman's national industrial league; vice-president of the woman's national liberal union and one of the founders of the woman's national university and school of useful and ornamental arts.
Aldrich, Mrs. Julia Carter, educator, poet, 28, 1834, in Liverpool, Ohio.
was born Jan.
For a while she was engaged in educational work in Liverpool, Ohio. She has written extensively on reformatory measures in the interest of humanity. She is the author of ' numerous articles and a volume of Poems. Aldrich, Leander Jefferson, clergyman, educator, college president, was born May 21, 1851, in Conklingsville, N.Y. In 1880 he graduated from Oberlin college; and from the seminary theological
was born
He has filled pastorates in Dover, Ohio; and in Merom, Ind. In 1886-1904 he was president of the in 1885.
Union christian college Merom, where he
also filled the chair of botany, rhetoric and also that of christian ethics. He has traveled extensively in foreign countries as a special student of ancient history and literHe is also pastor of the college ature. church. In 1902 he was president of the Indian college association; and in 1898-1902 was secretary of education to the American christian convention. Since 1904 he has been president of Phillips academy and business college of New Rockford, N.D. Aldrich, Levi, physician, state senator, was
27, 1820, in Erie county, N.Y. He practiced medicine successfully in Erie county and at Edwardsburg, N.Y. He was a representative in the Michigan state legislature from Cass county in 1863-64; was state senator in 1865; and was a member of the constitutional convention in 1867. Aldrich, Louis, actor, dramatist, was born in 1843 in Germany. In 1858-63 he was a
born Jan.
member of the Marsh troupe of children. He has been a member of stock companies in Boston and Philadelphia; and played the leading role in The Danites and other famous dramas. My Partner was written for him; and 1890 he produced The Editor. He died June 17, 1901, in Kennebunkport, Maine. Aldrich, Mrs. Mary Jane, temperance reformer, lecturer, was born March 19, 1833, in Sidney Plains, N.Y. She has been president