HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY, second regiment Illinois volunteer light arand in 1865 was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers. He died June 20, 1897. Duffel, Albert, lawyer, jurist. In 1860-64 he was a justice of the supreme court of Louisiana. Duffey, Mrs. Eliza Bisbee, litterateur, author. She is the author of No Sex in Education; The Relations of the Sexes; What Women Should Know; and Our Behavior. tillery;
Duf&e, Alfred Martin, soldier, was born in France. In 1861 he was captain in the second regiment "New York volunteer cavalry; and in 1865 attained the rank of brigadiergeneral of volunteers. He died Nov. 8, 1880. Duffie,
Mary Gordon,
was born
in 1840 in thor of History of
litterateur, author,
Alabama. She is the auAlabama; and Guide to
Bethune, lawyer, poet, was born Aug. 29, 1821, in Carlisle, Pa. He was a member of the board of education of Detroit for thirteen years; and active in all educational interests throughout the state Duffield, Divie
He died March 12, 1891, in DeMich. DufiSeld, George, lawyer, jurist. In 1805 he was appointed United States judge for thb territory of Orleans. He died in New Orleans, of Michigan.
La. DufSeld, George, clergyman, was born Oct. 7, 1732, in Lancaster county, Pa. He was the
An Accoimt of a Missionary Tour Through Western Pennsylvania in 1766, by order of the synod; and a Thanksgiving Sermon on Peace. He died Feb. 2, 1790, in
author of
Philadelphia, Pa. DuiSeld, George, clergyman, theologian, was born July 4, 1794, in Strasburg, Pa. In 1838-68 he was pastor of the First presbyterian church of Detroit. In 1844-52 he was regent for the Michigan state university. full review of his life would embrace a large share of the history of the Presbyterian church for thirty years. He died June 26, 1868, in Detroit, Mich.
Henry Martin, soldier, lawyer, was bom May 15, 1842, In Detroit, Mich. He was assistant provost-marshal-general of the army of the Cumberland on GenDuffield,
Thomas's staff. He has been corporation counsel for Detroit since 1876; and is also president of the state military board of eral
Michigan. Duffield, John Thomas, educator, clergyman, author, was bom Feb. 19, 1823, in Mc-
Connellsburg, Pa.
He was
clergyman; and was professor of mathematics in Princeton college for many years, He is the author of The Princeton Pulpit and many religious monographs. He died April
10, 1901, in Princeton, N.J.
Duffield, Samuel Augustus Willoughby, clergyman, author, was bom in 1843, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was the author of English Hymns, their Authors and History; Latin Hymn -Writers and their Hymns; and
Warp and Woof,
a Book of Verse.
12, 1887, in Bloomfield, N.J. Duffield, Samuel Pearce, physician, lecturer, author, was born Dec. 24, 1833, in Car-
Pa. In 1858 he began to practice medicine at Detroit, Mich., giving special atten-
tion to toxicology and medical jurisprudence. He soon became known as an analytical chemist; and has been frequently called upon to testify in the courts as an expert. He arranged the chemical laboratory for the Detroit medical college; and delivered the opening address there in 1868. He is the author of Ventilation of Sewers; Contamination of Drinking Water; Analysis of Malt by Polarization; and Aconite Poisoning. Duffield, William Ward, soldier, civil engineer, author, was born Nov. 19, 1823, in Carlisle, Pa. He was a brigadier-general in the federal array during the civil war. In 1878-79 he was state senator of Michigan; and in 1894-98 was superintendent of United States coast and geodetic survey. He was the author of School of the Brigade and Evolutions of the Line. He died June 2, 1907, in Washington, D.C. Duffy, James Oscar Greeley, journalist, lawyer, author, was born Jan. 4, 1864, in Ireland. In 1891-96 he was Sunday editor of the Philadelphia Press; and since 1893 has been dramatic editor and critic of that publication. In 1897 he began the practice of law. He is the author of Glass and Gold; and several Plays. Dugan, Caro Atherton, educator, author, was born in Brewster, Mass. She is the author of The King's Jester; and Other Short Plays for Small Stages. Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey, journalist, author, poet, was born in 1823 in Boston, Mass. During the civil war he served in the federal army; and was for some time a captive in southern prisons. He was the author of Prison Life in the South; Camps and Prisons History of Governments The
Lydian Queen, a tragedy; Home Poems; and Parnassus in Pillory, a satire. He died Oct. 20, 1884, in New York. Dugas, Louis Alexander, physician, author, was born Jan. 3, 1806, in Washington, Ga. In 1832 he united with five others in founding the Medical college of Georgia, in which he held the professorship of surgery until his death. During the civil war he was volunteer and consulting surgeon of military hospitals. He was the author of Pathological Peculiarities of Negroes; and several medical works. Dugdale, Richard L., sociologist, author, was born in 1841 in France. In 1868 he became a member of the New York prison association, to whose work he gave his first attention. He was the author of The Jukes, or Heredity in Crime; and Further Studies of Criminals. He died July 23, 1883, in New
Duggan, James, clergyman, bishop, was born in 1825 in Ireland. He was consecrated