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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHT. boat Cayuga in 1861; and the shipyard has built over one hundred and fifty vessels since he became connected with the business. He is president of the Portland water company of Connecticut; president of the Middlesex quarry company of Portland, Conn.; president of the Phcenix lead mining company of Silvercliff, Col.; president of the Gildersleeve shipbuilding company, organized in 1909; is president and treasurer of the Portland manufacturing company; and a trustee and director in various other finanSince 1873 cial and industrial corporations. he has been superintendent of the Sunday school of Trinity church at Portland, Conn.; and in 1900 est£^blished a memorial fund in connection with Trinity church. He is chairman of the committee on river improvement and the association for the permanent improvement of the lower Connecticut river; and has filled numerous other positions of trust

and honor. George W.,


During the



war he attained the rank



died Feb.

of brigadier-gen27, 1896, in Philadel-

phia, Pa. Giles, Chauncey, educator, clergyman, au11, 1813, in Charlesthor, was born


mont, Mass.

He was a Swedenborgian


of Philadelphia; and in 1875-93 was president of the general convention of the New Jerusalem in the United States. He was the author of The Nature of Spirit;


of Our Lord; Perfect as a Spiritual Being; The Incarnation; also The Wonderful Pocket; The Magic Spectacles, a fairy tale; The Gate of Pearl; The Magic Shoes, and Other Stories; Heavenly Blessedness; The New Jerusalem; The Spiritual World; and The Val-

The Second Coming Prayer;


ley of the Diamonds, and Other Stories. He died Nov. 6, 1893, in Philadelphia, Pa. Giles, Ella Augusta, author, poet, was


in 1851 in Wisconsin.



the au-

Out from the Shadows; Maiden Rachel; and Flowers of the

thor of Bachelor Ben; Spirit.

Giles, Fayette Stratton, business man, auSathor, was born Sept. 20, 1841, in lem, Mass. He received a liberal education


and throughout


was a studious man.

associated early in life with his brother in the jewelry business in New York his City, in the interests of which he made he subfirst visit to Europe in 1865, where sequently passed most of his life. He was the first to introduce the repeater into the In 1870 he founded the States.

He was


Blooming Grove park association, and was He was the author of its first president. Sociological several essavs on Economic and In 1894 he published a romance subjects. appeared entitled A Century Onward; then The Industrial Army; and was engaged on Dec. another work at the time of his death, 5,

1897. Giles,



Henry, clergyman, author, was 1809, in Ireland.

He was


a unitar-


ian minister of Liverpool, England; and after 1840 a literary lecturer in the United States. He was the author of Lectures and Essays; Christian Thought on Life; Illustrations of Genius; Human Life in Shake speare; and Lectures on the Irish, and Other Subjects. He died July 10, 1882, in Boston, Mass.

James Witcher, educator, college was born on Oct, 24, 1861, near Chatham, Va. He received the rudiments Giles,


of his education in the public schools of his native state; attended Milligan college of Tennessee; and the Virginia business college at Richmond. For the past twenty years he has been at the head of the Piedmont business college of Lynchburg, Pa.; and is still president of that institution of learning.


Giles, John, lawyer, congressman, was born about 1788 in North Carolina. In 1829 he was elected a member of congress from North Carolina, but resigned before taking his seat on account of ill health. He died March 2, 1S46, in Stanley county, N.O. Giles, William Alexander, retired merchant, was bom in 1836 in Massachusetts. He was educated in the New Salem academy; and taught in the high school. In 1862-82 he was engaged in the wholesale jewelry busi-

He is an associate Chicago, 111. of the Chicago real estate board. For several years he was president of the New England society of Chicago; for eight years was director of the American social science association; a member of the bureau of associated charities of Chicago; and a member of the national municipal league. ness





Branch, lawyer, congress-

man. United States senator, governor, was bom Aug. 13, 1762, in Amelia county, Va. In 1789-99 and 1801-03 he was a representative from Petersburg, Va., to the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and seventh conIn 1801-05 he was a presidential gresses. elector; and in 1803-05 he was United States senator. He was subsequently a member of the legislature. In 1827-30 he was the fifteenth governor of Virginia. He died Dec. 4, 1830, in Albemarle county, Va. He was Giles, William E., lawyer, jurist. judge of the United States district court some time prior to 1884. Giles, William Fell, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was bom April 8, 1807, in Harford county, Md. He was a member of the state legislature in 1837-39. In 1845-47 he was a representative to the twenty-ninth congress; and in 1853 he was appointed United States district judge for the district of Maryland. He died in Maryland. Charles, theatrical manager, was In 1836, when in 1787 in Germany. the noted New York or Bowery theater was built, he was offered the management, and became its lessee. He died July 30, 1829, Gilfert,



New York
