Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/608

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SUSA. 576 SYRACUSE. iSbsa, sum found in by Alexander the Great, iv. 236 n. ; Pharnabazqs con- veys Greek escorts towards, viii. 135; Alexander at, xii. 168,238; Alexander's march from, to Per- sepolis, xii. 246 seq. Siisia, xii. 189. Jiisian Gates, Alexander at, xii. 171. Sgagrns, reply of, to Gelon, i 167. Si/!iar,'s, foundation, territory and co- lonies of, iii. 376 seq. ; fall of, iii.

'.92, 399, iv. 413 seq.; maximum

power of, iii. 394 seq. ; and Kroton, war between, iv. 412. Sybarites, character of, iii. 394 seq. ; defeat of, by the Krotoniates, iv. 413 ; descendants of, at Thurii, vi.l3. " St/baritic tales" iii. 394. Sj/ennesis of Killkia, and Cyrus the Younger, ix. 18. Si)los6n, iv. 248 seq. Si/mmories at Allien*:, x. 117 seq ; speech of Demosthenes on the, xi. 285 seq. Si/inplegades, the, i. 235. Si/ntafjma, Macedonian, xii. 60. oyraciLsan assembly, on the approach- ing Athenian expedition, B.C. 415, vii. 183 seq. ; ships, improvements in, to suit the narrow harbor, vii. 297 ; squadron under Hermokrates against Athens in the ^gean, x. 385 seq. ; generals at Agrigentum, complaints against, x. 427, 431 ; generals at Agrigentum, speech of Dionysius against, 433 seq. ; horse- men, mutiny of. against Dionysius, X. 451 seq ; soldiers mutiny of, against Dionysius, x. 462 seq. Stfracusans, confidence and proceed- ings of, after the capture of Plem- myrium, b. c. 413, vii. 293 seq.; and Athenians, conQicts between, in the Great Harbor, vii. 294, 299 seq., 3 1 6 seq , 324 seq. ; defeat of the Athenian night attack upon Epi- polae by,vii.305seq.; their blockade of the Athenians in the harbor, vii. 318; captured by Thrasyllus, viii. 129; delay of, in aiding Selinus, B. c. 409, X. 404, 408 ; improvement inDionycius's behavior towards, e. c. 399, X. 473 ; victory of, over the Carthaginians in the Great Harbor, X. 50) ; negotiations of Dionysius the Younger with Dion and the, xi. 96, defeat of Dionysius tho Younger, by Dion and the, xi. 97 seq. ; application from, to Dion at Leontini, xi. 108 : gratitude of, to Dion, xi. 112; opposition of, to Dion as dictator, xi. 121 seq. ; ap- plication of, to Iliketas and Co- rinth, B. C. 344, X. 134 seq.; and Timoleon, application of, to Co- rinth, xi. 167. /Syracuse, foundation of, iii. 363; pe- talism or ostracism at, iv. 162; in- ferior to Agrigentum and Gela, be- fore B. C. 500, V. 204 ; in b. c. 500, V. 205 ; increased population and power of, under Gelo, v. 214 seq. ; prisoners awarded to, after the battle of Himera, v. 225 ; topo graphy of, b. c. 465, v. 235 n. ; fall of the Gelonian dynasty at, v. 235 seq. ; Gelonian citizens of, v. 237 seq. ; reaction against despotism at, after the fall of the Gelonian dynasty, v. 240 ; political dissen- sions and failure of ostracism at, vii. 122 ; foreign exploits of, b. c. 452 vii. 123; Duketius at, vii. 124; and Agrigentum, hostilities be- tween, b c 446, vii. 125; con- quests and ambitious schemes of, B. C. 440, vii. 126 ; incredulity and contempt at, as to the Athenian armament for Sicily, b. c. 415, vii. 182 ; quiescence of the democracy at, vii. 183 n. ; preparations at, on the approach of t!ie Athenian ar- mament at, B. C. 415, vii. 190; empty display of the Athenian armament at, b. c. 415, vii. 194; increased confidence at, through Nikias's inaction, b. c.415, vii. 218 ; landing of Nikias and his forces in the Great Harbor of, n. c. 415, vii. 219; defensive measures of, after the battle near the Olym- pieion, vii. 228 ; embassy from, to Corinth and Sparta, b. C. 415. vii. 235 local condition and fortifica- tions of, in the spring of B. C. 414, vii. 244 ; localities outside the v/alls of, vii. 245; possibilities of the siege of, b. c. 415 and 414, vii. 245; siege of, b. o. 414, vii. 243 seq. ; battle near, b. c. 414, vii. 255 seq.; entrance of the Athe- nian fleet into the Great Harbor