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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1015

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sonof A. and Eve 233 1 the goodliest man 102 16 whpnA.dalfeondEve.-910 20, 911 1 when A. first of men 743 6 whipped the offending A 132 1 Adamant—of Shakespeare 701 S champion cased in a 739 22 with pens of a 794 7 you hard-hearted a. 271 SO Adamantine—in a. chains 305 19 bar thine a. doors 877 9 linkt with a. chains 481 4 turn the a. spindle 263 21 Adamses—snub the Abbotts 801 25 Adamus—primus A. duro 24 11 Adam-jsad—-the bear 57 18 Added—shall be a. unto thee 908 17 Adder—better than the eel 127 6 stingeth like an a 876 17 they are like the deaf a. 393 9 Adders—more deaf than a, 184 17 Additions—great a. swell 186 19 Addivien—che sovente a. 293 1 Address—tender in a. 630 S the lady most politely 900 s wiped with a little a 781 4 Adficitur—quisquam gravius a.. .651 13 Adflictis—qui dat a. negat 816 19 Adhere—which he may a. to 871 10 Adieu—delightful land of France.293 24 never says a 81 7 she cries and waved 260 25 sweetly she bade me a 261 11 'tis love's last greeting 579 14 with a. for evermore 260 21 Adjourn—equal power to a 130 7 Adjunct—learning but an a 436 16 might have proved useful a... .724 11 Adjuncts—and corollaries 864 15 Adjutriz—assentatio virionim a.. 276 2 Adjuvants—valere nisi a. natura. 2 8 Administer;—these yourself 228 19 possessor is bound to a 864 16 Administered—best a. is best 334 6 Administration—affairs of this a. 20 21 directing the a 298 19 of an erroneous policy 612 17 Administrations—things, a 94 20 Admiral—last of all an a. came.. 543 19 put an a. to death 729 11 sailing the high seas Ill 3 tuer un a. pour encourager 729 11 Admirals—extolled for standing.424 10 Admiration—did not hoop at 812 6 beauty stands in the a 60 14 for one higher than himself 9 7 from the most fastidious 79 12 great a. for stupidity 758 13 five by A., Hope and Love 455 8 season your a. for awhile 9 14 transcendent a. of great men.. .365 14 Admire—cease to a. and all her.. 60 14 cease to a. the smoke of Rome.677 18 comes to a. the dog 199 9 do not a. the same thing 569 13 expect the burning to a.'em... 364 3 for all lovers true to a. 472 17 for to a. an' for to see 914 14 If-1 none a. that riches 866 3 one more foolish to a. him..... 283 2 publish all I a, 649 14 they a. his wit 410 7 those who attempt 341 12 to a. a fool 510 23 un plus sot qui l'a 283 2 where none a. 'tis useless 60 4 with reason to a. 151 12 world enjoy who least a 917 18 sec also Admiration p. 9 Admired—all who understood a.. 631 7 by their servants 366 18 bad none a. would Pope. 9 6 make them most a. 894 18 only to be seen to be a 662 13 Admirer—sait a. un sot 510 23 Adxnirez—par leur domestiques. .366 18 Admiring-to 'th a. eyes 40 21 Admission—pleads a.to our hearts 464 3 Admittance—gold which buys a.. 84 8 Admone—secrete amicos a 300 13 Admonished—learn justice 415 9 Admonitione—et vi, et molliter. .651 12 Adolescent—moritur, dum valet.. 173 21 Adolcscentem—verecundum esse.521 9 [ocr errors][ocr errors] Adolescentia—intemperans a .398 21 Adolescentiam—stuuia a. alunt. .757 10 Adonis—hath a sweete tooth.... 212 27 is dead 278 3 Juomises like A.'s gardens 636 10 opts—the opinions of others.. .569 21 Adoration—breathless with a 239 9 of the setting sun 71 1 what is thy soul of a 92 5 Adore—and infidels a 406 B as you too shall a 472 19 beauties of your mind a. 70 12 come here the more I'll a. 867 17 Indian-like a 5114 la. Thee, I implore Thee 626 22 living do a. her 902 11 the hand that gives the blow. .350 3 Adored—Deity a. is joy advanced 321 5 to be a. than to adore 249 4 Adorn—looks a cottage might a.. 521 4 manners must a. knowledge.. .493 9 open to a. the day 249 24 point a moral or a. a tale 542 18 touched nothing he did not a...231 7 Adorned—ever sufficiently a 86 25 fairest, best a. is she 381 3 hideous when a. most 31 7 in naked beauty more a 32 22 Bhe's a. amply 33 17 unadorn'd a. the most 33 16 whatever he touched 219 14 Adorner—of the ruin 792 21 and refresher of the world 862 19 Adornment—excess of a. enough. 86 25 sole a. of her hair 889 22 Adorns—and cheers our way 376 2 Adriatic—o'er the A. flew 438 6 Adscensus—sunt multi a 835 22 Adsentatio—nunc mos est a 276 23 Adspicere—in alieno malo 519 IB Adsum—said ' A. ' and fell back.907 7 Adultation—no a., 'tis death.. 276 8 Adulteries—all the a. of art 652 2 Adultery—sacrament of a 497 13 Advance—arm,A.,HopeofFranceK42 5 dancing will not a. one 761 16 falling in some obscure a. 614 8 forward while they look 75 3 go back as we a 635 IB more boldly against 519 21 nous ont faits d'a 599 44 ordered an a 846 4 through which we a 236 16 wish in world to a 760 3 Advanced—ensign full high a.. .. 852 6 Advancement—for a. of his kind.667 16 Advances—by unchangeable law.242 7 Advancing—we are a. everywhere846 5 Advantage—by friendly distance.506 4 everything to his own a. 352 14 his a. still did wake. 809 2 let not a. slip 799 24 nature to a. dressed 884 24 no slight a. 61 3 of a sort of infinity 749 6 only weapon of a 672 1 to be derived from them 760 18 to both parties not to 434 7 to have done nothing 561 14 to so great an a 707 23 which will a. you 670 14 wise to his own a 879 10 with equal a. content 85 12 Advantages—fly without aid 571 6 estimate friendship by a 302 22 in hope of fair a 306 16 of so peculiar a 753 14 fears bring many a 127 18 Advent—of the last day 524 9 Adventure—awfully big a. 164 11 beautiful a. in life 168 8 he who has not an a 9 17 join in the same a 668 24 men of age a. too little 12 24 ne s'a. n'a cheval ny mule 9 17 Adventurer—expectingtheirgreata.9 16 Adventurers—bold a. disdain.... 9 16 Adventures—to undertake 585 12 no a. mucho riqueza 10 26 Adventuring—both I found both.646 19 Adventurous—too a. loses horse.. 9 17 Adversa—et a. exigunt 271 18 explorant a. viros 838 21 Adversa?—resadmonent 10 2