978 ^JSON JSson — did renew old A. 604 2 jEsop— like M.'s fox 610 6 jEstimatio — niiserarium vera 637 24 ^Etas — crastina volveret sb 306 3 dura refugimus ee 240 2 fallitque voiubilia so. 796 22 fortunam quam vehat as 290 19 fugerit nividia ae 795 3 in apricum proferet sb 795 7 laeciva decentius sb 14 16 lubrica moribus » 922 15 omnia fert sb 17 20 urbes constituit te 798 19 MUitGm — vixisse, prater m 16 8 .flStati— molesta est 98 16 iEtatis — ampliat se. spatium. . . . 448 4 in spatio integra Ee 314 17 JSterna — equidem ae. constitution e24 2 7 ^Etcrni — natalis est 175 23 uti as. forent 451 11 jEternum — summa est ae 237 22 M there — certamen et be. cassis.. .859 1 /Ethoriis — spiritus ille venit 738 12 iEtheris — ex as. oreis 360 22 iEtnam — ardentem frigidus se.. . . 82 is ^Euglein— Veilchen der M 248 4 Mn — casus rota volvitur se 800 1 incerti spatium siniat se 389 13 vivam quod superest ae 134 20 -lEvum — actis ae. implet 186 7 longissimum ee. peregit. 314 17 omne volubilis a? 446 10 Affaiblit — on a. toujours 864 4 Affaire — l'a. Herzegovinienne 842 10 Affaires — courent des a 820 6 Affairs — gods attend to the a 651 6 in bis own selfish a 911 8 in the a. of others 412 22 of men rest incertain ... ..659 12 sinews of a. are cut 522 6 tide in the a. of men. . .447 19, 571 15 tide in the a. of women 899 16 understands her own a 546 13 AfTanno — ciascun l'interao a 342 21 Affectation — an awkward 1123 is a forced imitation 1123 spruce a., figures pedantical . . .906 14 voice is spoiled by a 712 20 with a sickly mien 11 24 Affecte — que Ton a. d'avoir 101 4 Affection — beaming in one eye. . .247 12 bid a. live 395 16 broken links of a. restored 786 1 cannot hold the bent 500 2 deep a. and recollection 68 6 eloquent of infinite a 782 7 fills a.'s eye 565 12 fond a. thou hast seen 868 19 goes by letter and a 113 27 hateth nicer hands 404 16 hath an unknown bottom 477 22 immoderate a. ... of drink. .399 21 in my most ill-composed a 53 10 never heard of any true a 474 9 of a philosopher 899 10 renewing of a 298 26 stirs her spirit up 896 1 water from a.'s spring 257 10 welded by a 623 24 when founded on a 334 22 words of a. howsoe'er 902 17 your a. s strong 470 8 see also Affection pp. 11, 12 Affections — gathers no a 94 21 hatreds are cinders of a 354 25 likewise in my a 78 9 not captivate the a 58 12 of manners gentle, of a. mild. . . 103 7 props sustain weight of a 12 1 war against your own a 130 l Affects— to nod 321 19 Affirmance — breeds a doubt 563 14 Affirmations — accepting the a 66 12 Afflatu — aliquo a. aivino 340 13 Afflicted — or distressed 12 6 fate awaits the a 265 11 .gods spare the a 12 10 Affliction — endure a.'s, . . .shower 255 25 of all a. taught a lover 476 7 to try me with a 584 14 see also Affliction pp. 11, 12 Afflicts — little tiling a. us 815 23 Afflictions — we are accustomed. . . 12 9 Afflige — peu de chose nous a 815 23 Affluence — let a. or content 131 8 rising from a. to poverty 18 5 Affreux — avec la pauvretti 620 9 Affright — let nothing you a 117 4 the bad a., afflict the best 666 3 Affront — fear is a 890 6 old a. will stir the heart 197 12 take everything as an a 772 3 th' a. is mine 821 8 virtue an a. endures 821 8 well-bred man will not a. me. . . 144 8 Affronts — give, soon forget a 921 20 Afire — bush a. with God 51 17 setting the universe a 850 10 Afraid — business to be a 825 11 happiness makes heart a 351 8 it is, I, be not a 143 4 keep myself from being a 142 14 man the moth is not a 488 26 many area, of God 914 16 most a. of fear 268 12 not a. to say his say 83 3 of an owl 269 26 so I was a 625 13 while kings looked on a 458 22 Africa— A.'s sunny fountains 663 9 ex A. aliquid novi 562 1 something new out of A 562 1 African — children with slavery. . . 157 11 lions rush to attack 760 19 moon-mountains A 559 6 After-days — in a. shall live 881 11 Afterglows — are ashes while 60 8 After-love — scorn makes a 902 8 Af ton — flow gently sweet A 12 19 Against — God be for us who a... .319 20 Agamemnon — brave menbeforeA. 83 1 by bis writings know A 50 11 heroes lived before A 366 6 Agate — altar one a. stone... 324 14 bigger than an a. stone 254 7 Agas — actum ne a 9 2 cum res a. longinquum. 743 14 datos curras quid a 766 14 quicquid a. agere 6 21 Age — actions of the last a. 6 23 after, old a. hard 453 22 age's breath is short 924 6 an a. builds up cities 798 19 and a. were able 922 23 and body of the time 547 6 and extreme old a. 450 22 and their attendant cares 784 1 an old a. of cards 450 8 are of full a.... a 211 21 as it does in this a 417 19 aspect as in a 792 19 at play with infancy 572 13 beauty doth varnish a. 62 8 become obscure through a 259 14 becomes a satanic old a 922 22 before a sprightlier a 15 18 before old a. I took care... 452 8 bent old a. will come 425 10 brave licentious a 287 6 by the shores of a 110 12 cannot endure in his a 36 22 cannot wither her 894 11 cet age est sans pitie 110 21 chas'd old a. away 157 17 companions for middle a 868 16 crabbed a. and youth 924 6 damn the a. I'll write 49 19 deepest a. but sups, and goes. .450 18 die, so please you, of old a 113 29 disgrace of the a.. 835 23 each a. is a dream 796 21 Elizabethan a. might be 803 18 expect one of my a 573 4 every a. and clime 85 21 fetch the a. of gold 796 14 follies of the A 831 17 footprints of their a 190 27 friendship confirmed by a 303 2 greater honours to bis a 319 28 haggish a. steal on 83 13 has its pleasures 600 6 he was not of an a 701 8 I do abhor thee 924 6 in a polite a 657 9 in pity to my a 235 6 in this a. his own tomb 508 23 is full of care 924 6 is nigh 795 16 AGES istame 924 6 is thrifty 923 8 it was a happy a 901 14 labors of an a 701 16 lastly bis old a. when it 434 27 ' esprit de son a 636 3 like winter bare 924 6 lived an a. too late 341 22 malice of this a. shapes 313 S man's a. is like to be.... 922 19 may have one side 924 9 melts with unperceived 395 18 midde a. by no fond wile. ..... 55 1 middle a. had slightly. 251 21 mirror to a gaping a. 6 8 my strength in a 321 7 narrative with a. .879 16 no a. is shut 309 19 occupy a. with the dream 250 17 of a downward a 144 2 of ours should not be 794 8 of poverty 622 3 of reflection 63322 of the Golden A.. 400 8 old a. begin sighing 52 3 old a. is upon us 447 6 pride of every a. 861 13 produced in a civilized a. 603 22 promise of his a 143 23 realized in old a. 454 14 released from care 872 19 remnant of mine a. 208 12 res a. tuliseris 475 17 retired on allowance 910 15 root of a. 18122 sad Old A. and Fear 364 2 settled a. his sables 924 3 shall not weary them 922 6 Soul of the A 701 10 spirit of his a 636 3 stopped work at this a 910 14 summer of her a 58 21 survives his a. 99 16 talking a. and whispering. 356 7 taunt his valiant a 146 1 that a, is without pity 110 21 that men call a. 922 7 this a. best pleaseth 58215 this unfeeling a. of ours 240 2 to a. in virtue strong 563 8 to come my own 257 1 to drooping A. who crost his.. .475 3 to ensuing a. abhorr'd 812 1 toil achieve in an a 469 10 'twist boy and youth 743 27 unspotted life is old a. 881 21 Xa whose a. we void 227 14 t a sad old a. 90 4 when a. chilis the blood 417 5 when he came of a. 495 17 when the a. is in 885 13 wherein he lived was dark 606 3 windows of thine a. 924 7 world's great a. begins 916 16 worth an a. without a name. . .314 9 youth is gay, a. melancholy.. . .923 8 youth to unrespected a. 103 10 see also Age pp. 212-217 Aged — and yet young 658 12 in this world of woe 13 8 like an a. man, it stands 356 4 men full loth and slow 16 6 this a. man and poor 537 11 Agencies — widely its a. vary 522 16 Agency — of peace has failed 851 6 progressive never-ending a.. . . . 99 15 Agendo — xmilta a. nihil agens.. .561 13 operse nihil a. 425 27 perdidi laboricose a 424 16 Agendum — quid superesset a. 7 19 Agent — and trust no a. 478 26 works but to this end 908 10 Agents — of the people 817 16 whiles night's black a. 556 18 Ager — messe senescit a. 1816 requietus a. bene 669 17 Ages — acts being seven a 16 13 beamed through many a. 77 12 cannot make it old 681 19 deed, through the a. 186 1 down the everlasting a. 849 16 elapsed ere Homer's 605 21 emptiness of a. in his face 425 5 have the a. for your guide 880 25
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