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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1017

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AGES how many a. hence 306 1 I doubt not thro* the a 790 7 in all climes and a 528 15 in the course of a 95 6 looke fresh to all A 700 12 of the future 637 2 rages of the a 588 22 Bock of A. cleft for me 320 11 roll forward 15 11 shades of forty a 218 8 stamp and esteem of a SO 13 than a. can undo 106 8 the experience of a ..654 3 three distant a. born 606 7 twenty a. sunk in 795 21 wakens the slumbering a 393 8 when the days were a 547 16 when in lapsed a 59 1 years like passing a 793 4 yet unborn 692 10 ye unborn a. crowd not 839 11 Aggrata — dubbiar in a 200 8 Aggrediare — prius quam a 65 18 Aggregate — large a. of little 370 22 Aggressions — acts and a. of 860 4 Agiraus — victuroB a. semper 447 23 Agitante — calescimus illo 318 21 Agitate — agitate, agitate 612 13 Agibates — and a. the whole 320 9 Agnates — ad a. et gentiles 357 3 Agnoscenda — qua? differuntur.. . . 154 2 Ago — long long a 506 7 Agonies — no word can speak 676 4 my own unanswered a 626 16 the fiercest a. shortest 588 2 Agonize — strains that a 904 24 Agony — but unmixed a 404 17 cannot move a soul in a 512 1 charm a. with words 343 16 for a. and spoil 849 1 force that in your a 725 12 in waters of wide A 401 17 shriek of a 857 15 though oft to a. distrest 483 21 turns the past to a 509 6 Agree — all a. in this 448 10 all things differ, all a 915 14 as angels do above 483 14 music and sweet poetry a 535 13 not well together 52 11 oil, vinegar, saltness a 99 27 save those who a. with us 569 17 thee and I shall never a 90 14 the kettle and earthen 42 3 till they could not a 679 11 two in fifty scarce a 528 15 two of a trade can ne'er a 85 21 when people a. with me 43 6 Agreeable— -haint one a. feetur. . .314 2 mingled useful with a 760 11 Agreeably — speak a. to him 740 24 Agreed— to differ 42 18, 53 6 Agreement — an a. with hell 715 18 cordial a. exists. 752 19 exists in disagreement 136 17 unite in substantial a 833 13 Agrees— opinion a. with mine — 570 3 Agricola — arbores serit a 18 4 Agriculture — blessed be a 19 5 Agro — fertilissium in a 18 17 res a. saluberrimas 18 6 Agros — divina natura dedit a. — 121 26 Ague — fear is an a 267 17 Aguel— dilegua come a 227 8 Ahead — of myself as well as you . 780 5 sure you are right, then go a.. .674 16 Aid — all fear, none a. you 364 22 apt alliteration's artful a 48 4 armies in nation's a 523 3 can give no hollow a 730 7 it, hopes of honest men 364 21 meant each other's a 884 20 never be willing to.a. you 333 9 saints will a. if men 625 20 secret sympathetic a 109 1 solicits the a. of labor 425 25 the dawning, tongue and pen. .364 21 who seeks for a 699 9 withhold his conquering a 626 3 Aleux — n'a pas besoin d'a 686 17 Aigle — l'Angleterre prit l'a 848 7 Aiglon— 1'Autriche fa 848 7 Aigrit — s'a. dans Tadversitfi 665 17 AiJes — n'a pas de pieds 387 3 AISLE

on Bent qu'il a des a 35 17 Ailment^-in the spiritual part ... 196 11 Ailments — long a. wear out pain .800 8 Aim — beyond our power 134 8 Empires far below thy a.. ., . . .861 5 every existence is an a 448 10 failed in the high a 759 7 low a. is crime 252 24 of every dangerous shot 275 12 our being's end and a 352 7 prophesy with near a 637 10 thoughts have a high a 789 4 to take a. kneeling 900 8 true ambition's a 881 19 vulgarly in low a. succeed 759 7 Aime — celuia. peuquia 474 18 dupe 1 par ce qu'on a 183 5 Je ne vous a. pas, Hylas 473 19 jamais aim6 que lui-mfime. . . .697 6 l'on a. la vie 14 22 n'a pas ce que Ton a 615 3 on a. sans raison 659 5 qui a. a la mesure 474 18 qui m'a. il a. mon chien 199 13 Aimed — at duck or plover 671 17 not beyond higher design 225 14 Aimer — ce que 1 on a 615 3 la mode d'a. Racine 461 23 ci vous les voulez a 249 1 Aimeth — who a. at the sky 760 10 Aims — hurry, and divided a 441 1 that end with self 392 3 Air— a charter'd libertine 610 12 amber a. unrolled 824 4 and harmony of shape 653 6 and in the golden a 872 19 a pulse of a 537 lfi arrows pierced the a 877 18 as rose-leaves with the a 250 20 avoir l'air fou et fitre 761 1 azure fields of a 556 7 birds of the a. shall carry 69 13 blown by the evening a 770 3 blows it to me again 648 20 breathes the keen a 109 5 breathing English a 223 1 breath sanctifies the a 457 19 broken accents in the a 797 21 build castles in the a.. 386 19 839 20 by pencils of a 123 14 castle of the a. sleeps 614 4 cet a. impe"tueux 818 6 chariots easier than a 897 22 charm ache with a , .. ..343 16 chime had stroked the a 840 8 choke a. out of the lungs 356 22 claim that of the a 615 20 clean a. shines and twinkles . . .748 5 colours of the a 839 10 cultured soil and genial a 682 14 darkening a. thrills with 555 4 deep a. listen 'd 108 25 desert rocks and fleeting a 195 4 does laugh with our merry. 428 11 draughts of balmy a 219 9 drew in the common a 70 21 enjoys a. it breathes 282 4 escape to the upper a 364 1 fancy a. by chance 538 14 filled the a. with barbarous 740 7 filled was the a. with a.. .' 764 13 flower or winged a 57 20 fold to the fainting a 681 16 freshness fills silent a 556 25 Germans that of the a 615 6 gigantically human 874 7 gleams through dusky a 752 1 gone to war, and met in a 340 9 grows cool and darkles 673 9 health snuffs morning a 356 19 her a., her manners all admired888 7 her home is the a 157 15 he says, with solemn a 918 7 I breathe Heaven's a 739 13 idly in the summer a 921 3 imagination a. of mind 3S6 18 in anger washes all the a 527 12 inebriate of a. am 1 205 11 innocent saint-like a 54 13 is also man's dominion 11 21 is chill and raw 746 19 is cool and still 71 2 is cut away before 703 5 is deemed too pure 716 1 is full of sunshine 23 S is fresh and sunny 501 1 is shaken with white. 116 16 let the a. strike our tune 526 12 love free as a 476 9 lungs receive our a 715 15 martial in his a 726 6 melted into thin a 153 16, 840 1 music is poetry of the a 539 10 music thrilled the a 535 10 no blast of a 125 10 no stir of a. was there 545 18 observe the a. is delicate 495 7 of England is too pure 715 8 of mingled a. and glitter 147 15 of the time 244 6 out of the bosom of the A 723 5 playing in the wanton a 478 11 please to take the a ._. . .826 2 poisoned a. and tortured soil.. .849 1 press is like the a 408 16 pure was the temperate a 88 21 raine in th' a. from earth 547 10 ride the a. in whirlwind 754 4 right to breathe the a 674 20 rocks and fleeting a 545 11 sank slowly through the a 321 12 saw the air too much 5 19 scent imploring a 572 11 see not in the naked a 494 6 shall be perfumed 681 12 simplicity and unaffected a. . . . 155 16 skim the buxom a 11 17 smote a. for breathing 399 19 so divine an a 204 10 soothed its child of a 72 25 sore athirst for a 517 24 stirring thrills the a 588 22 stream *d . . . to the troubled a.348 3 substance on floating a 723 2 sweet as English a 896 17 sweetisthea.withthebudding.109 15 sweetness in the desert a 774 18 te vois te perdre en l'a 805 7 that leap*d upon the a 752 8 the a. of a science 434 23 thin of substance as the a 203 21 through fields of a 548 19 through gloomy a 46 23 through the hush'd a 878 9 through the motionless a 52 8 through the sharp a 723 2 thought is in the a 788 17 throw it up into the a 874 1 thy dwelling a 768 20 tiny Salmoneus of a 273 6 tossed and lost upon the a 766 17 trifles light as a 404 13 truth has not urgent a 818 6 upheld alone its dome 324 14 undulating a. they swim 67 14 very hot and still the a 764 14 voice but beaten air 840 19 warms the mild a 746 22 what are names but a 541 18 what is that word honour, a. . .374 19 what is there in the a 806 16 where's the a. and where's 157 S whited a. hides hills 723 3 with important a 137 8 with its sweet a 540 6 with melodies vernal 747 12 with music in the a 700 21 written on a. or water 466 24 Air-castles — are cunningly built . . 903 1 Airs— and recollected terms 733 4 ape a. of thy young sisters 562 9 discords make sweetest a 536 1 lap me in soft Lydian a 604 l many saucy a. we meet 830 6 martial a. of England. .225 1, 617 3 'mid the cool a. of Evening 770 8 Naiad a. have brought me . . . .402 7 outblown from ferny dells 123 22 s'emparent de celui des a 615 20 silence all the a 537 24 soul-sustaining a 559 9 sweetened by a. of heaven 18 12 with melting a. or martial 536 14 Airy — fairy Lilian 896 12 gives to a. nothing 608 12 Ais€ — bien a. de rire 429 1 plus a. d'etre sage 879 30 Aisle — and fretted vault 537 3