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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1018

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980 AISLES ALTER Aisles — of Christian Home 40 6 / monastic a. fall like sweet 663 1 within its starlit a 663 17 Aiunt — extingui nunquam 820 8 Aix— into A. Roland 378 14 Ajax — and A. asks no more. 72 13 prayer of A. was for light 456 9 the great . . . himself a host. .340 21 Akbar— Allah A., there is no God629 S Akhond— the A. of Swat 553 11 Akin— apart and yet a 776 4 Alabaster — arms of death 174 20 smooth as monumental a 62 10 Alacrity — that a. of spirit 876 26 halting a. of movement 874 7 Aladdin — money A.'s lamp 521 22 hadlA.'slamp 583 3 Alamo — remembered the A 848 5 Alarm — suspect and take a 771 10 Alarms — in the midst of a 730 13 serene amidst a 97 13 to subdue your a 416 18 used to war's a 726 19 Alas — pedibus timor addidit a . . . 270 3 Albatross — seep. 19 Albion— -A.'s lessening shores 809 10 Alba — corvo quoque rarior a 484 12 Album — an a. is a garden 307 13 o'er an a. all alone 476 18 Albums — our lives are a 455 3 Aloala — I have been in A 244 1 Alchemist — empiric a. can turn. . 19 11 sovereign A. that in a trice. . . .-876 11 you are an a 19 13 Alchemy — like richest a 104 10 streams with heavenly a 766 10 AJcida: — quseris a. parem 104 2 Alcides — seek A.' equal 104 2 Alcoran— Legends, Talmud, A... .513 l Alder — yon a.'s crimson beads. . .645 2 Alderman — a calf an a 41 18 on the forefinger of an a 254 7 Aldgate— Temple Bar to A 830 6 Aldivalloch— Hoy's wife of A 869 14 Ale — Adam's crystal a 802 10 a pot of a. and safety 145 27 broughte of mighty a 204 24 Christmasbioachedmightiesta.117 6 drink of Adam's a 863 4 instead of pale a 212 26 news older than their a 553 7 pot of good a 210 8 quaff the nut-brown a 204 16 spicy nut-brown a. . , 206 10 take size of pots of a 435 6 wine in bottles, a. in barrels. . .875 2 Alea — jacta a. esto 265 4 Ale-house—church and a 118 17 fools laugh in a 579 6 Alexander — if I were not A 113 4 wept when he heard 915 13 where A.'s ashes lay 686 21 Alexandrine — needless A. ends. . . 604 6 Alfred— England's A. named 822 11 on such a stool immortal A. eat. 304 13 Alga — nisi cum re, vilior a 865 10 Algebra — clock strike by a 435 6 Algiers— lay dying in A 852 24 AH — month of A. is the golden.. .881 14 to A. bore these words 881 14 Alibi — si fueris a., vivito 677 4 vy worn't there a a 431 10 Alice— sweet A. Ben Bolt 506 21 Alien — should reach a.'s ears 729 6 AUena — nobis, nostra plus 120 22 ut melius videant 412 22 Alienable — these rights are a 333 16 Alieno — qui a. periculo sapit 880 16 Aliens — transmutes a. into 144 5 Alienum — humani nihil a me a.. .492 26 Alight — seems nowhere to a 723 3 Alhs — nostra plus a. placent 120 22 Alike — both are a. and both a.. . .236 9 difference of things ... a 885 23 fashioneth their hearts a 358 28 in world two opinions a 569 20 none go just a 412 2 shave so much a 57 2 should be none a 250 16 Alio — ailud ex a. malum 241 13 AJiorum— similitudinema.vivimus659 7 Alis — mobilis a. hora 292 4 mors atris circumvolat a 14 18 Alium — qui faoit per a 185 2 Alive — as long as he is a 377 14 because they are a 73 20 creature half a 874 7 happy so long as he was a 351 22 if both remain a 113 26 in that dawn to be a 924 16 morality, when vigorously a. . .528 10 of saddest memory kept a 419 9 rather be a. than not 917 6 ridiculous, and dead forgot 450 8 the holiest thing a 531 4 thou art a. still 701 10 virtue . . . is kept a 656 16 when work is done 908 7 who was a. and is dead 230 16 words that may become a 904 16 All— for this is alL 821 10 from the a. that are 895 16 government of a. by a. for a.. ..334 23 having nothing, yet hath a 740 1 if thou art a 470 4 made a. things to a. men 488 21 may have if they dare try 20 13 take him for a. in a 491 24 that we have are yours 853 10 the mighty ocean? is this a 567 13 this is a. remains of thee 93 17 Thou, my a., my theme 321 7 vast a. that is called evil 329 2 Alia — springing by A.'s throne. . .463 18 Allah— Akbar, there is no God. . .629 6 At A.'s shrine 919 4 by A. given 466 15 peace of A. abide with you 627 19 thanks to A. who gives 577 16 took a rose, a lily, a dove 895 17 Allaying— drop of a. Tiber 876 22 with no a. Thames 876 4 Allays — an angry mind. 58 1 All-Conquering^— Heat, intermit. . 765 6 Allegiance- 1 -! did pluck a 812 3 to the South 585 6 Allegoric — habite un palais 742 26 Allegory — dwells in a transparent. 742 26 on the banks of the Nile 104 27 Allein— der ist bald a 730 20 Alleviation — -in misfortune 668 14 Alley — and lives in our a 466 21 each a. has a brother 307 16 All-Fools — apart for A.b' day 38 16 All-Foura — simile go on a 741 13 All-Giver — would be unthank'd.. 784 6 Alliance — demand a 301 1 in relations with our a 842 12 purchase great a 825 16 Alliances — entangling a. with. . . .753 6 modish and worldly a 301 is steer clear of permanent a 753 16 Allied — forces have been dogged . 850 l Allies — Romans assisted a 416 7 Alligator — an a. stuffed 504 3 Alliteration — apt a.'s artful 48 4 Allowance — for their doubting. . .490 9 retired on a double a 910 15 Alloy — harden'd by th' a 66 8 without an a 60 6 All-Saints— Summer of A 764 is All-sufficing — power 551 19 Allure — thousand tongues t'a 901 13 Allured — to brighter worlds 243 4 Allures — from afar, yet as I follow.327 11 Alma — Alma Mater 531 2 de esparto y corazon 357 30 pluma es lengua del a, 48 3 Almanac — mine were an a. 889 11 to Carlisle's and A.'s 394 19 Almanacs — like a. of last year.. . . 6 23 Almighty— almighty gold 522 n arrow from the A.'b bow. 495 8 A.'s orders to perform 643 26 God A.'b gentlemen 310 14 intolerable in A. God to a 493 17 more of the A.'s works 925 9 nature, vicarye of A. God 544 18 'scape the A. eye 565 13 the a. dollar 522 23 Almond — seep. 19 Alms— for oblivion 799 18 give the feet for a. 595 10 his age's a 589 22 thou for a. shouldat sue 737 19 when thou doest a 595 24 with his a. feeds three 595 20 you need not give a 864 19 your a. before men 595 23 Alme-basket— of words 906 13 Almedeeds — which she did 595 1 Aloe — and maize and vine 814 4 flower foredates 574 2 outgrown like spiked a 679 18 Aloft — cherub that sits up a 548 21 his soul has gone a 230 6 now he's gone a 230 6 Providence sits up a 548 20 their master loves to be a 355 22 Alone— a. a. all all a 730 9 all we ask is to be let a 391 2 and are not a 472 13 appear Immortals never a 321 17 aremadif lefta 902 8 as I sit a. at present 496 11 be a. on earth as I am now 13 7 better, then, to be a 673 16 cease to be a 179 13 doubly feel ourselves a 731 12 faint and fear to live a 730 24 find himself left a 302 10 for man to be alone 496 3, 497 9 Heaven has willed, we die 730 24 he is Boon a 730 20 ill fortune seldom comes a 289 19 knells in that word— a! 730 2 leaving him severely a 731 7 left a. at a banquet 730 1 less a. than when a 730 8 let it a. let it pass 611 10 like one who treads a 731 4 men when a. lighten . .. .732 20 never a. that are accompanied. 789 23 on a wide, wide sea. 730 9 sits a. and is confined 500 10 solitary, who is not a 730 17 solitude to be a 731 25 that worn-out word 730 2 this is to be a. 730 4 thoughnota 490 2 till supper-time a 724 23 to be left a. and face to face. . . 671 14 trodden the wine-press a 762 14 two find themselves a. 471 18 until I truly loved, I was a 731 6 we enter the world a.. 730 18 we have stood a. 224 4 who can enjoy a 225 16 wisdom sits a 881 20 wise TTifin is never less a 731 16 writes or thinks a 788 17 Alonzo — the Brave was the name . 472 6 Alpes — sffvas eurre per A 396 17 Alph — the sacred river. 19 18 Alphabet — know the a. of your . . 86 22 Alpine — chamois from her A. snow526 2 from some A. height 652 10 peasants, two and three 689 1 purple with the A. glow 673 16 summits of great pain. 254 16 through an A. village 20 19 when on the A. rose 680 6 with long, sweet A. echoes 700 21 Alpina — dalla pendice A 652 10 Alps— A. on A. arise. 532 23 beyond the A. lies Italy 402 4 eagle of the A 208 22 fading A. and archipelagoes. . . 769 17 frosen ridges of the A 222 14 rush over the wildest A 396 17 Alt — freie Seele wird nicht a 296 1 Alta — mei super a. perennis 389 13 Altar— bow before thine a. Love .480 21 great world's a. stairs 345 4 her Bweet a. fires 881 20 kneel not before the same a 198 10 led by hiB horns to the a 325 4 one pure a. burns 870 26 to the unknown God 315 8 upon the a. of her beauty 902 10 upon the a. of our gods 662 6 upon thine a. pour 554 12 was one agate stone, 324 14 with this inscription 315 8 Altars — bows by their a. .918 16 build me a. in their zeal 919 6 dew-drops on her lonely a. . . . .281 10 flame burns upon its a 257 9 for your a. and fires. . .585 16, 844 16 wreathed with flowers 786 2 Alter-amicus est a. idem 297 6 can a. a decree established 433 24