circumstances a. cases 120 6 imA. dieFQUe 882 9 ist nicht trObe 15 23 macht nicht kindisch 14 4 Altera-ab a. parte deserta 653 12 Alteram-metuitsecundis,a.Bortein514 12 Altercando-veritas amittitur 137 1 Al tercat ion-excessive a. 137 1 Altereth-which a. not 431 7 AJU rinjz-fundamental laws 230 7 Alternate-day and night 449 11 Alternative-:! strange a 114 4 Alters-everything a 96 23 love a. not with his brief 479 31 when it alteration finds 390 21 Altissima-perflant a. venti 227 S Altissimum-locum obtinent, 247 4 Altitudinem-non metitur 813 16 Alto-basso, even the contra-a... .536 2 Veritas in a. latet 821 14 Altrui-torre a. la vita 448 13 Altum-humili cum surgit in a... 94 3 in a. fortuna tulit 291 20 tollunturina 262 7 Alumna-eloquentia, a. licentiie.. .439 10 - AlvoB-brevis a. obesaque terga... 379 4 Always-I would not live a 449 6 will not a. be so 94 10 Am-I a. not what I was 94 12 I know I a 73 6 I think, therefore I a 788 3 speak of me as la 415 2 where I a. I would not be 882 7 Ania-litus; a. altum alii..5liS 9,647 1 ai vis amari, a 477 16 Amabitur-extinctus a. idem 340 23 Amalgam-it was a woman 895 17 Amans-militut omnia a 475 7 Amant-pauci quid sinit alter, a.. 144 23 un a. d'une maitresse 523 9 Amantem-cogas a. irasci 482 1 quia fallere possit a 483 9 Arnantes-igitur ketemur a 601 16 Amanti-quod dicit a. in vento.. .466 24 Amantiurn -perjuria ridet a 483 4 Amantque-eadem mirantur a... .569 13 Amants-et lee maitresses 471 22 Amar-a nullo amato a 468 3 che a. chi t'odia 464 6 Ainaranth-immortal a 20 2 bright that no decay 280 20 Amaranthine-flower of faith 255 26 only a. flower on earth 836 6 Amaranths-see pp. 19, 20 An laran thus-bid A. all his 20 1 Amaraque-curarum eluere 875 20 Amare-humanum a. est 288 23 irasci, a. si velis 482 1 Amari-felix se nescit a. 637 20 si visa, ama 477 16 surgit a. aliquid 601 3 Amaro-fallo a. mors© 130 16 succo renovamus a 503 9 AmarylUs-milky-belled a 20 4 Amas-un a. de flews 654 14 nihil a. cum ingratum a 393 20 Amat-felix ardor a 467 8 qui a. tamen hercle 475 23 qui me a. amet canem 199 1 Amator-Jesu et veritatis 345 7 Amato rem -cedo modestum a... .476 2 Amaze-ye gods, it doth a. me 761 21 Amaaed-and a. we stand 450 11 the gazing rustics 435 23 the learned 758 22 Amazement-exclamation of a 567 13 Amazon-broad mouth of the A. . 570 17 Ambasciadori-sono I'occhio 753 3 Axnbaasador-as God's a 630 6 is an honest man 753 17 or footman with an a 407 3 so likely an a. of love 478 18 Ambassadors-are the eye 753 8 words are the soul's a 904 9 Amber-drop from every thorn.. .681 2 drop of a. enveloped 30 16 flie within a bead of a 282 19 Hits a little 713 23 lockestogray 794 6 mountain ... in a. lies 713 23 musk and civet 261 12 prettyl in a. to observe 898 11 scent of perfume 593 23 sepulchre in a. 282 16 sweet of love 403 17 Ambes-perdidit iUe oculus 247 20 Ambire-virtute a. oportet 511 4 Ambitio-vitium sit a 21 6 Ambition-all inordinate a 805 16 argufies pride and a 845 14 bids a. rise to nobler 483 1 built with divine a 557 9 cruelty and a. of man 174 19 Distraction, Uglification 216 21 heart's supreme a 830 11 in heaven a. cannot dwell 481 8 instruments of a 407 8 made of sterner stuff 782 23 make a. virtue 261 8 my soul's a., pleasure 321 7 of a private man 624 7 rooms for a. too low 134 7 Siren, who like a 549 13 souls are capable of a 571 16 toils of European a 753 14 true a.'s aim 881 19 'twas his a., generous and 862 2 used no a. to commend 186 6 wild a. a wind 838 27 without a. except to do good.. .459 12 see also Ambition pp. 20, 21 Ambitions-substance of the a.... 21 9 such mean a 517 17 troubled with great a 20 18 Ambitiosa-paupertate omnes... .621 10 Ambitious- Caesar was a 21 16 Brutus says he was a 782 28 care of men 14 17 industrious a. [liar] 485 21 live in a. poverty 621 10 Ambles-Time a. withal 798 23 your wit a. well 885 14 Ambo-arcades a., id ist 39 8 Amboss-oder Hammer sein 262 16 Ambroeia-for Apicius 211 9 Ambrosial-blooming a. fruit 813 8 curls upon the Sovereign 322 8 fruitage bear 361 4 shakes his a. curls 322 9 sweet a. hive 882 1 Ambulance-down in the valley... 159 8 Ambules-superbus a. pecuniae—522 21 AmbuscadoeB-breaches, a 203 22 Ame-du discours 426 14 corps de'bile affoiblit la 515 19 dans la. dee devots 661 11 laissent voir voire & 247 22 la pauvrete de l'a 621 16 mon &. a son mystere 464 7 mon &. est ravie 805 7 ou la. est enchainee 142 6 qu'il n'y a plus une a 359 4 tobac, dont mon a 805 7 Ameise-vernunft mOhsam 4 8 Amemus-vivamus atque a. 466 23 Amen-say ' A. ' betimes 193 16 sound of a great A 539 7 stuck in my throat 628 7 Amend-to-day and slack not 767 16 sought to a. our will 872 3 Amended-done cannot be a 191 21 Amends-endeavor by way of a.. .665 22 lying make himself a 724 3 make us a. for everything 923 6 may never come too late 666 7 sin that a. is patched 838 20 Amere-la patience est a 584 6 America—bestmaninA 95 3 epoch in the history of A 368 7 ever debated in A 330 1 example of A 591 6 ferment prevailing in A 589 24 500.000 reservists in A 846 14 500.001 lamp posts in A 846 14 for me 23 8 going to win a right 917 20 has furnished the world 862 7 ideas that have made A 82 3 if A. had not been there 917 20 institutions of A 333 18 in which A. is engaged 853 4 inspiring thing about A 380 16 is privileged to spend 860 6 is the crucible of Good 587 23 lie folded in the first man 489 6 preserve it for A 860 4 shall hold her place 861 8 succor given from A 917 20 to have no representative 330 12 use the blood of A 587 19 wild A. to Bosphor's 811 4 see also America pp. 21-23 American-cradle of A. liberty 439 16 flag has been forced 843 8 God is making the A 587 28 haul down the A. flag 274 10 I also am an A 587 16 if I were an A. as I am 587 1 if the A. nation will 613 8 labor, which is the capital 424 9 most A. in A. character 451 7 nation in Sixth Ward 522 8 not Virginian but A 585 19 pass to the A. strand 663 11 people would be proud 853 10 presented to A. people 552 10 reads an A. book 23 1 Republic swarms with. 686 16 sentiment recognises 424 8 they affect A. citizens 849 4 was born an A 587 17 what I call the A. idea 333 16 Americans-brave A. all 827 12 equally detest pageantry ..332 9 good A. when they die. 579 9 need hyphens in their names... 23 8 none but A. on guard 587 12 of American nationality 22 20 to market driven 716 19 Ames-aux A. innocentea 634 12 Amet- fie ri desidiosus a 475 8 Amethyst-belt of an a. ring 748 17 purple-streaming A 714 10 streaks and shafts of a 769 6 Amethyst ine-with a. light 877 11 Ami-qu'un ignorant a 385 24 un livre est un a 79 19 Amiable-weakness 863 26 weakness of human 864 1 Amicably-if they can 854 4 Ainiri cult urn potentis a. 298 12 hospes in a. hospitium 379 18 pereant a. dum una. 221 IB vitium ni ferns 267 8 Amicis-dives tibi, pauper a 696 IB quid quid donatur a 616 4 Amicitia-demum firma a 303 4 munuB expletum 301 13 quod a. adjungitur 623 24 semper prodest 303 6 splendidiores facit a 301 12 Ainii'itiir certius a. vinculum 826 19 omamentum a. toll it 520 22 Amicitias-dat census a. 523 11 et tibi junge pares 135 7 vulgus a. militate 302 22 Amicitur-chartis a. ineptis 49 8 Amico-servo servitur a 295 18 tardo a. nihil est 187 16 Amicoe-multis numerabis a 291 1 obsequium a., Veritas 494 8 secrete a. admone 300 13 vita procurrere a 351 9 Arnicum-mimicum a. beneficio.. .463 7 Uedere ne joeo.. .._ 300 12 vel ilium a. amiseris 463 7 Amicus-amissus ibit a 621 18 est alter idem 297 6 Amiens-attack in the A. sector... 846 6 Amigos-encobria de tus a 298 26 Anus-adversite' de nos a. 10 l hors nous et nos a 884 12 le choix fait les a 297 13 les a., ces parents 297 14 nos a., les ennemis 221 10 prosperity fait peu d'a 638 6 soyons a., e'est moi 297 9 Amiseras-moereres quod a 477 IS Amiss—done a. impute it not 665 20 nothing shall come a 270 22 shalt never do a 220 21 Amissi-prEPmissi non a 169 16 not a. but pnemissd 169 16 Amitic-with foot hath privite a. .489 16 son secret dans lamitie' 695 13 Amittitur-summum imperium a.. 623 16 a*gre offertur, facile a 571 18 Amittuntur-non a. Bed 175 20 Amity-is ty'd with band 301 11 that wisdom knits not 303 13 under two commands hold a.. .334 14 Ammasse-quelque chose a. 162 19
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