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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1020

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AMNEM ANGER Amnem-oportet a. quserere 675 28 Amo-non a. te, Sabidi 473 17 odi et a. quare id 467 1 Among-them, but not of them. ..787 16 Amor-arte regendus A 44 13 auro conciliatur a 325 17 citius sol vet a. die 497 18 crescit a. nummi 53 8 etiam aliquando nocet 303 6 ssevit a. ferri 858 23 see also Love pp. 464-484 Amores-si fistula dicat a 39 18 Amorous-from a. causes springs.. 670 19 of their strokes 704 l still a. and fond 521 21 sweet, reluctant, a. delay 187 10 tremble like the a. steel 392 16 Amos Cottle what a name 541 16 Amoto-sed tamen a 86 9 Amour-ce qui regie l'a 658 22 enforce a desperate a 645 7 il echappe dans l'a 695 13 un peu d amour 448 18 see also Love pp. 464-484 Amour-propre-Fa. offense 697 18 Amours-dans sea a 9 10 a see premieres a 468 22, 476 24 Amphitryon-genuine A 213 IB ou Ton dine 213 16 Amphora-ccepit instituti 94 13 Amplifying-petty manners 705 2 Ampliter-non a. sed munditer. . .271 6 Amuck-discreet to run a 690 14 Amusaient-ils s'a. tristement 223 18 Am use-sent to a. not to enslave.. 90 1 themselves sadly 223 18 you with stories 22 6 Amusement-of the gentlemen.. . . 108 7 mortgages our fields 23 16 Amusements-and a. of life 400 4 friend to public a 23 12 in our a. a limit 600 11 Amusing-Life's more a 923 11 Anachronism-soldier is an a 729 3 Anacreon-A. 's morals are 605 13 to A. in heaven 279 16 Analytic-skin 'd in a 149 20 Anarch-thy hand great A 97 7 Anarchist-maxim of the a 330 8 Anarchy-hold eternal a 555 21 institute and digest of a 674 12 wild a. of drink 206 1 Anatomical-his a. construction.. .210 17 Anatomies-as bo many a 196 7 Anatomist-not work for a 694 12 Anatomy-of any corporation 86 7 Anaxarchus-heard from A 915 13 Anblick-der Nothwendigkeit 551 11 Ancestor-my own a 24 16 Ancestors-backward to their a. . . 24 1 bequeathed from many a 108 19 crime of its a 619 4 has no need of a 686 17 night and chaos, a. of nature . .555 21 rural a. with little 18 19 trick of his a 812 4 wisdom of our a 878 16 see also Ancestry pp. 23-25 Ancestral-amidst tall a. trees .... 370 4 sits on the a. tree 242 8 voices prophesying 636 22 Ancestry-scarcely call our own. . . 25 2 records of our a 327 24 Ancetre-je suis mon a 24 16 Anchor-and other tackle 549 4 see the Dolphin's a. forged 71 6 where the a. is hidden 270 16 Anchorage-soul to its a 110 12 long a. we leave 180 11 Anchored-fast-a. isle 401 13 Noah, when he a. safe 874 21 ship is a. safe and sound 459 IS to the bottom 863 19 Anchorite-saintship of an a 368 16 tempt the dying a 215 1 who didst dwell. 917 S Anchors-bark with two a 646 20 Ancientr-and honorable 31 1 as the world 725 3 dames of a. days 157 7 God save thee a. mariner 19 9 grasses of the a. way 851 12 comes of genius 220 18 illustrious and a. name 542 22 in a. books delight 151 19 in a. times ail things 646 11 its a. and natural strength 550 4 mariner is marvellous 603 16 O a. house 24 6 of days, august Athena 45 16 of ye parish use 638 18 remove not a. landmark 31 4 reverence what is a 154 9 that marry a. people 497 6 was heard in a. days 558 3 we extol a. things 17 13 Ancients- as the A. say wisely. . . 92 9 proverb of the A 868 11 the a. dreaded death 169 4 the a. recommended us 689 21 Andes-giant of western star 749 11 under A. to the Cape 875 8 Andie Agnew-new Joshua in A JV.689 12 Andrew-drunken A. felt the blow395 15 slyly sent verse 605 10 Andromache-soul's better part.. .869 16 Anella-rocchije a. senza 247 10 Anemone-see p. 26 Angat-in ipsis floribus a 884 9 Angel-an a. smiled 429 3 an a. with a trumpet 152 14 answer'd "Nay, sad soul — ".. .182 18 appear to each lover 892 12 asks no a.'s wing 199 18 as the a. did with Jacob 180 4 a.'s visits short and bright 409 20 by a. hands to valor 274 12 comf ortings can hear 390 2 consideration, like an a 132 1 custom is a. yet in this 154 23 denouncing A.'s pen 774 2 dropped from a.*s wing 593 3 drops on it from a phial 773 20 forsake the a. for the woman . .417 13 girt with golden wings 255 4 glorious a. who was keeping. . .781 24 God or guardian a 287 15 God's a. cries, Forbear 535 6 golden hours on a. wings 465 19 guardian a. gently cried 806 19 have s soul, she is an a. 62 5 have mercy mighty a 509 23 her a.*s face 252 9 in the clouds.. 202 10 in action how like an a 491 25 in Woman we see 892 6 letters of the a. tongue 277 14 like an a. sings - 751 24 man nor a. can discern 383 15 ministering a. thou! 894 10 motion like an a. sin g s 539 25 must be an a 266 2 my a.; his name is Freedom. . .295 1 need cover no other Degree 892 6 of eternal peace 606 16 of light 766 11 on the outward side 383 23 passage of an a.'s tear 781 19 pluckt from a.'s wing 592 8 ready made for heaven 60 20 Recording A. as he wrote 774 11 sentinel a. sitting high 509 23 shimmer with a. glances 250 14 stood and met my gaze 839 17 sweep of A.'s wing 210 2 sword of an a. -king 495 8 than any painted a 455 6 the a. heart of man 101 12 the a. of spring 558 14 the more a. she 127 4 though an a. should write 633 23 'tis a.'s musick 689 6 to good a. leave the rest 582 18 virtue is an a 837 7 when the A. says: "Write".. .607 10 whiteness beat away 74 16 who bends over dying man. . . . 185 27 who had been o'er heaven 554 10 will clip an A.'s wings 655 22 writing in a book of gold 839 14 wrote like an a 231 1 see also Angels pp. 26, 27 Angeli-non Angli, sed A 26 13 Angelic-into an a. life 96 15 sang the a. ohoir 209 IS consort to the a. symphony 538 1 an a. boyhood becomes 922 22 Angelical-sing with notes a 852 8 Angelicus-juvenis senibus 922 22 Angels-all pallid and wan 174 2 agree as a. do above 488 14 and a. entertained 814 12 are a. veiling clouds 895 1 are on their side. 910 2 are painted fair 892 10 are whispering 55 7 as blessed a. turn the pages — 455 3 ascend, like a. beautiful 504 12 can dance on the point 745 12 as make the a. weep 47 9 a/s tongues turn gold 744 19 bending over thee, a. draw 655 20 better a. of our nature 586 7 bloom where a. tread 362 6 bright with beckoning a 596 11 but the a. laugh too 14 13 caused the a. to fall 106 19 could no more 120 28 excel the serious A 156 22 fell the a 2112 forget-me-nots of the a 750 12 glorious fault of a 266 17 go like good a. to my end 628 5 God's a. come disguised 26 16 God's a. come 12 17 good as Guardian a. are. 615 10 guardian a. sung 225 10 guide the path 658 12 hark, the herald a. sing 117 12 her immortal part with a 389 17 holy a. guard thy bed 721 11 I heard tie a. call 494 13 in some brighter dreams 790 8 lan gua ge spoken by a. 537 17 lifting night's black veil 401 3 like a. till passion dies 581 1 listen when she speaks 893 20 little lower than the a. 491 15 lives as a. do 266 2 lost things in a/s keeping 388 21 men and a. only given 302 il men would be a. 632 16 music the speech of a 536 7 must love Ann Hathaway 888 13 of bright a. hew 62 22 of God in disguise 110 6 of God upturned the sod 337 10 of our hearth 135 8 our acts our a. are 6 27 preventing a. met it 625 25 pure in thought as a 476 20 sad as a. for the good 710 25 say they have a.'s faces 276 20 scepter 'd a. held their 40 20 stand in waiting hush. 506 14 tears such as a. weep 781 23 that side by side 76 5 that the A. sound 712 26 the soar of a.'s wings 317 11 they have a.'s faces. 902 9 thou bearest a. to us 718 13 thousand liveried a 108 16 three a. gave me 722 6 till a. wake thee 231 18 till we are built like a. 909 22 tongues of men and of a 107 2 tremble as they gaze. 168 19 two a. issued, where but one . . 171 9 uncurtain'd that repose 172 7 virtues will plead like a 838 15 visits like those of a 326 15 wantin* boardin' , .649 16 where a. fear to tread 284 12 which would drag a. down 393 11 with a. shared 466 15 with men as A 891 22 women are a. wooing 902 6 would be gods 632 16 young as a. are 658 12 see also Angels pp. 26, 27 Angelus-Deus aut custos a 287 15 Anger-and jealousy can no more. 403 15 belongs to beasts. 589 21 by wine and a. to reveal 695 11 came to North and South 459 4 create a. where we never 920 27 delay . . . remedy for a 187 19 felt towards men 397 2 he that is slow to a. 746 2 more in sorrow than a 251 25 of a satiric spirit 151 2 our a. to command. 638 8