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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/967

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Art op Poetry on a New Plan, 843 compilation published 1762 by Newbery (publisher) Gold- smith assisted. Arthur, semi-mythical king of 801 Britain, 500(?)-S37(?) Artois, Comte d', title of Charles X. 93 of France, previous to his acces- sion to the throne . . . France, 1757-1836 Aevers, Alexis Felix, author, poet, 464 dramatist France, 1806-1851 Asoham, Roger, classical scholar, author England, 1515-1568

244 785 878 898 . 

Asquith, Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry, statesman, premier, England, 1852-L. 245 252 841 AtheNjEus, Greek antiquarian born in Egypt, lived about 250 12 138 441 532 706 753 Athenagoras, Greek philosopher converted to Christianity, Athens, 2nd Cent. 396 397 Auersperg, Anton Alexander, von, "Anastasius Gr&n," poet, Germany, 1806-1876 221 606 Augereau, Pierre Francois Charles 66 (Due de Castiglione), marshal, France, 1757-1816 Augustine, Aurelius (Saint) , writer, Numidia, 354-430 21 140 154 206 315 359 362 423 677 712 736 745 780 792 831 911 Augustus, Cesar, Roman emperor, B.C. 63-14 A.D. 353 677 Aulus, Gellius, see Gellius, Aulus. Aungerville, "Richard de Bury," learned prelate England, 1287-1345


Aurelius, Antoninus Marcus, see Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Ausone de Chancel 443 Ausontus, Decimus Magnus, Latin poet . . . France, about 310-394

267 289 372 393 571 645 794 

Austen, Jane, novelist . . England, 1775-1817


Austin, Alfred, poet. . .England, 1835-1913

Aveline, E. L. 867 Aytoun (Ayton), Sir Robert, poet; Great Britain, 1570-1638 803 301 Aytoun, William Edmondstoune, critic and poet . . . Scotland, 1813-1865 692 886 B Bacon, Anne, wife of Nathaniel Bacon 508 ♦Bacon, Francis, philosopher and writer England, 1561-1626 Bacon, Nathaniel, lawyer, insur- 506 gent leader, against governor Berkeley of Virginia England, 1630(?)-1677 Bagehot, Walter, author, critic, 321 editor, economist. . England, 1826-1877 ♦Bailey, Philip James, poet.ENG., 1816-1902 Baillie, Joanna, poet. .Scotland, 1762-1851

124 182 201 210 267 754 825 
872 886 902 

Bain, Alexander, writer on logic and 391 psychology Scotland, 1818-1903 Balfour, Arthur James, statesman, 528 writer Scotland, 1848-L. Ball, A. W. W., poet, writer, 792 United States, 19th cent. Ball, John, preacher who took part 911 in Wat Tyler's insurrection, -1381 Ballantine, James, poet and artist, 764 Scotland, .1808-1877 Ballou, Hosea, preacher, founder of "UniversaUsm," United States, 1771-1852

254 350 354 384 655 758 828 

Ballou, Maturin M., author, 277 United States, 1820-1895 Balzac, Honore, novelist 461 912 France, 1799-1850 Balzac, Jean Louis Guez de, littera- 730 teur France, 1594-1654 Bancks, John. 872 Bancroft, George, historian, 301 330 United States, 1800-1891 Bancroft, Richard, prelate, opposed 117 to the Puritans. . .England, 1544-1610 Banks, George Linnaeus, miscella- 326 441 neous writer, editor, economist, England, 1821-1881 Barbauld, Anna Letitia, writer, England, 1743-1825 164 195 375 441 487 512 665 686 687 823 Barberini, Francesco, Cardinal, 566 founded library in Rome, Italy, 1597-1679 Barbour, John, poet. . .Scotland, 1320-1396

Barca, surname of Hamilcar, famous 832 Carthaginian general, father of Hannibal, killed, B.C. 229 Barere, Bertrand, Jacobin dema- gog France, 1755-1841

222 437 

Barham, Richard Harris, humorous writer England, 1788-1845

198 210 403 674 898 922 

Barker, Matthew, nonconformist 391 divine England, 1619-1698 Barker, Thomas, writer, fisherman, 28 England, living 1651 Barlow, Joel, poet and patriot, 210 353 United States, 1755-1812 Barnard, Lady Ann, poet, 717 Scotland, 1750-1825 Barnave, Antoine, politician of the 73 Revolution France, 1761-1793 Barneveldt, Jan van olden, a tragedy based on the life of the Dutch statesman 1540-1619


Barnes, Barnaby, poet, 133 England, about 1569-1607 Barnes, William, philologist, clergy- 868 man, and poet. . . .England, 1800-1886 Barnfield, Richard, poet, England, about 1574-1605

501 535 

Barnum, Phineas T., showman, 182 United States, 1810-1891 Baron, Marie Le 868 Barr, Mary A., writer. . Scotland, 1852-

Barrett, Eaton S., satirist, 886 Ireland, 1785-1820 Barrie, Bt., Sir James Matthew, writer, dramatist . Scotland, 1860-L. 1 124 164 253 441 803 886 Barrington, George (Waldron, his 584 correct name) .transported con- vict who wrote on Australian topics England, 1755-1835 Barrow, Isaac, clergyman, mathe- 922 matician England, 1630-1677 Barry, Michael Joseph, barrister, 164 Ireland, about 1815- Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste Du, see Du Bartas.