930 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS Bartol, Cyrus Augustus, clergyman and writer . . United States, 1813-1900 90 308 Barton, Bernard, poet . England, 1784-1849
Bashpord, Henry Howarth, writer, 462 physician England, 1880-L. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, "The 375 Great, ' ' eminent Christian father, 329-379 Basse, William, poet, 700 England, died about 1653 Basselin, Olivier, dyer and reputed 561 author of Vaux-de-Vire, see Vaux-de-Vire, lived in France, close of 15th Cent. Bastard, Thos., epigrammatist, 702 England, 1598-1618 Bates, Katharine Lee, writer, Col- 841 lege professor, United States, 1859-L. Bates, Lewis J., poet 1832-
409 440 484
Baudelaire, Pierre Charles, poet, 441 France, 1821-1867 Baxter Richard, theologian England, 1651-1691 189 267 362 511 541 629 Bayard, Pierre du Terrail, "Cheva- lier sans peur et sans reproche," national hero; France, about 1475-1524 97 365 Bayle, Pierre, philosopher and 653 critic France, 1647-1706 Bayly, Thomas Haynes, poet, England, 1797-1839 2 56 88 116 156 504 506 535 541 548 643 678 868 872 898 912 Beacon, Rev. J. 572 Beattie, Jambs, poet . . . Scotland, 1735-1803 13 97 122 133 204 238 256 261 270 329 337 385 388 427 485 495 544 625 655 690 818 Beaumarchais, dramatist and writer, France, 1732-1799 89 428 658 712 732 759 883 Beaumont, Francis, dramatic poet, England, 1585-1615 194 287 337 ♦Beaumont and Fletcher. For biography see Beaumont, Francis ; and Fletcher, John. Beaumont, Sir John, poet, 860 England, 1583-1627 Beaumont, Dr. Joseph, poet, 792 England, 1616-1699 Beauvais, Jean B. C. M. de, Bishop 710 of Senez France, 1731-1790 Beccaria, Cesare di Bonesana, philosophical and political writer, Italy, 1735-1794 350 367 Becker, Nikolaus, poet, 673 Germany, 1809-1845 Bbddoes.ThomasLovell, poet, phys- iologist England, 1800-1849
Bede, "The Venerable," monk and ecclesiastical writer, England, about 673-735 548 862 Bee, Bernard E., general 725 United States, 1845-1861 Beecher, Catherine E., author, 391 United States, 1800-1878 Beecher, Henry Ward, clergyman 634 and writer. .United States, 1813-1878 47 97 158 207 277 400 439 441 Beers, Ethel Lynn, poet, 592 894 United States, 1827-1879 Begbie, Harold, author, journalist, 842 England, 1871-L. Begbie, Janet. — L. 842 Been, Aphra Johnson, dramatist, poet, novelist England, 1640-1689
Behrens, Bertha (Wilhelmine 583 Heimburg), novelist, United States, 1848- Bell, Mrs. Helen, died 1835
Bell, Henry Glassford, poet, 403 writer, editor Scotland, 1803-1874 Bellamy, W. A., song writer 874 England, c, 1849 Bellay, Joachim du, poet. France, 1492-1560
Bellinghausen, Von Munch, see Munch-Bellinghausen. Beloe, William, scholar, critic, di- 887 vine England, 1756-1817 Benjamin, Chas. L. 274 United Ssates, 20th cent. Benjamin, Park, poet and journalist, United States, 1809-1864 277 337 Bennett, Henry, poet, England, 1785- 118 Bennett, Henry Holcomb, writer, 274 United States, 1836-L. Bennett, John, author, illustrator, 441 United States, 1865— L. Bennett, Wm. C, poet, 54 England, about 1820-1895 Benserade, Isaacde, poet. France, 1612-1691
Benson, Arthur Christopher, edu- 296 cator, scholar, poet, England, 1862-L. Ben Syra (Sira), collector of pro- 13 441 verbs from the Hebrew. Bentham, Jeremy, jurist and philos- opher England, 1748-1832
350 817
Bentley, Richard, critic and classi- cal scholar England, 1662-1742
330 667
Benton, Joel, author, 458 United States, 1832-1911 Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon poem sup- posed to have been written in 9th Cent. 296 372 554 746 Bequet, Etienne, journalist and 682 critic France, about 1800-1838 Beranger, Pierre Jean de, poet, France, 1780-1857 13 58 133 221 222 579 683 725 842 Bergerac, Savtnien de Cyrano de, 771 writer France, 1619-1655 Bergson, Henri Louis, scientist, philosopher, psychologist, France, 1850-L. 39S 441 581 792 Berkeley, Bishop George, meta- physician and writer, England, 1684-1753 513 634 784 912 922 Bermudes, F. Geronimo, poet, 550 Spain, c. 1530-1589 Bernadin de St. Pierre, see St. Pierre, Bernadin de. Bernard of Clairvaux (St.), eccle- siastic France, 1091-1153
362 424 441 646 661 730
Berners (Bernes, Barnes) Juliana, 310 writer England, born about 1388 Bernhardt, Friedrich von, soldier, writer on militarism, Germany, 1849-L.
Bbrni, Francesco, burlesque poet, 786 Italy, 1490-1536 Berry, Dorothy. 592 England, c. 1699