Bertant, Jean, Bishop, of Seez, poet, 185 France, 1552-1611 Bertin, Mademoiselle Rose, milli- 561 ner to Marie Antoinette, France, 1744-1813 Besant, Sir Walter, novelist, writer, 717 collaborated with James Rice, novelist (England 1843-1882), Enoland, 1836-1901 Bethmann-Hollweq, war chancellor 846 of Germany from 1909 to 1917, Germany, 1856-1921 Bethune, George W., poet, clergy- 868 man United States, 1805-1862 Betts, Mary Frances 816 Beverly, Mike, song writer. 678 Bevis of Hamptoun, Sir, a hero of 40 210 medieval romance. Beyle, Marie Henri, novelist, critic, 787 France, 1783-1842 Bias of Priene, one of the seven sages, Greece, about b.c. 566 97 221 321 ♦Bible, quotations in alphabetical or- der of book. Bickerstaff, Isaac, dramatist, Ireland, about 1735-after 1787 13 134 375 632 822 Bidpai or Pilpay, the supposed author of a collection of fables in San- skrit, now spread over the world, of which only a portion, the Panchatantra, or the Five Books, exists. The original was translated into Pahlavi by Barsuye under King Khosru Anushirvan (531-579), thence into Arabic about the 7th cen- tury. First English translation bears the date 1570. 91 643 681 902 Billy Pitt and the Farmer, printed 82 in Asylum for Fugitive Pieces .(1786) Binder, John, philologist, 224 Germany, 1767-1805 Binyon, Lawrence, author, oriental- 922 ist England, 1869-L. Bion of Smyrna, pastoral poet, 521 594 Greece, living about b.c. 280 Birdseye, George, United States 227 Bihrell, Augustine, jurist, author, critic England, 1850-L.
531 653 918
Bishop, Thomas Brigham, song writer 736 United States, 19th cent. Bismarck von Schonhausen, Karl Otto, statesman. .Germany, 1813-1898
87 311 407 649 671 683 842
Black Letter Ballad. .London (1512) 683 Blackburn, Thomas 209 Blacker, Colonel, British officer, 1780-1826
Blackie, John Stuart, classical scholar and writer, . Scotland, 1809-1895
Blacklock, Thos., poet and divine, 204 Scotland, 1721-1791 Blackmorb, Sir Richard, physician, 32 147 poet England, 1650(?)-1729 Blackstone, Sir William, jurist, England, 1723-1780 369 550 683 Blair, Hugh, clergyman, prof, of 673 rhetoricand belles-lettres, critic, England, 1718-1800 Blair, Robert, poet and clergyman, Scotland, 1699-1746 33 142 146 164 256 301 326 337 524 554 763 825 827 921 Blake, Charles Dupee, poet, 54 United States, 1846-1903 Blake, William, artist and poet, England, 1757-1828 27 51 54 216 337 395 428 464 487 495 764 768 792 863 877 907 Blamire, Susanna, poet..ENGLAND, 1747-1794
Blanchard, Laman, journalist and litterateur England, 1803-1845
Blanchet, Pierre, dramatic poet, 741 France, about 1459-1519 Bland, Robert, poet, classical edi- 347 tor England, 1779-1825 Bleecker, Anne E., poet, 146 United States, 1752-1783 Bloomfield, Robert, poet, England, 1766-1823 337 395 416 464 754 877 912 Blouet, Paul ("Max O Rell