Hamilton, Robert Bbownino 734 Hamilton, Sib William, author, 698 768 819 Scotland, 1791-1856 Hamlet, Sir Edward Bruce, general, 274 writer England, 1824-1893 Hammond, James H., politician, 715 United States, 1807-1864 Hampole, Richard Rolle de, priest, 910 writer, and poet, England, about 1290-1349, M. S. in Brit- ish Museum. Hansard, Richard 366 Hardinge, George, author, justice, 332 England, 1743-1816 Hardy, Thomas, novelist, poet, England, 1840-L. 120 262 445 588 760 847 Hare, Augustus William, English clergyman and writer, wrote in collaboration with Julius Charles Hare Italy, 1792-1834 Hare, Julius Charles, clergyman and writer England, 1796-1855 . 78 114 115 128 142 150 169 239 266 298 302 317 393 400 404 421 461 514 710 775 871 Harleian Library or Miscellany. A collection of rare pamphlets from the Library of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford, and now in the British Museum. 481 535 641 732 738 764 833 867 890 Harney, William Wallace, author, - 37 525 742 Harpel, Oscar H., editor, metaphys- 705 ician United States, 1788-1856 Harper, Andrew, 630 Harper, Robert Goodloe, lawyer, 586 statesman . . United States, 1765-1825 Harries, Heinrich, poet, wrote the 833 original version of "HeU dir im Sieger Kranz," 1790, Schleswig-Holstein, 1762-1802 Harrington, Sir John, poet and courtier England, 1561-1612
290 660 776 811
Harris, Joel Chandler, writer of southern negro folk tales, nov- elist United States, 1848-1908
771 890
Harrison, Thomas, commander in 695 Cromwell's army, judge at trial of Charles I England, 1606-1660 Harte, Francis Bret, author, United States, 1839-1902
110 169 182 378 578 593 722 847 904 918 923
Harte, Walter, poet, historian, 865 England, 1709-1774 Harvey, Gabriel, LL.D., lawyer and 691 translator. .England, about 1545-1630 Harvey, James Clarence, poet and 839 editor United States, 1859-1915 Harvey, J. M. 298 Hathaway, Benjamin, poet, 909 United States, 19th Cent. Haven, Alice Neal, originally "Emily 817 Bradley," author, United States, 1828-1863 Havergal, Frances R., poet, 200 469 England, 1836-1879 Haweis, Hugh Reginald, clergyman, 445 musician, critic. . .England, 1838-1901 Ha wes, Stephen, poet, 162 England, died about 1523 Hawker, Robt. Stephen, poet, an- 29 585 tiquary England, 1803-1874 Hawkins, Anthony Hope, novelist, 231 England, 1863-L. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, novelist, United States, 1804-1864 37 120 136 148 196 211 218 286 309 345 469 497 528 576 663 668 706 713 775 Hay, John, writer, diplomatist, United States, 1839-1905 100 110 145 182 509 Haydn, Franz Joseph, musician, 919 composer Austria, 1732-1809 Haye, L.M. de la 20th Cent. 815 Hayes, J. Milton 322 Hayes, Rutherford B., 19th Pres. 585 U. S United States, 1822-1893 Hayne, Paul Hamilton, poet, United States, 1831-1886 429 463 504 606 619 847 Haynes, John 150 Haynes, Joseph, actor and author. 308 England, -1701 Hayward, Col. William, lawyer, 847 • politician, soldier distinguished in Great War, United States, 1877-L. Hazlitt, William, critic and author England, 1778-1830 12 86 100 188 223 242 257 309 525 542 643 697 701 705 776 819 883 923 Health to the Gentlemanly Pro- fession of Serving men, A. . . (1598) 381 643 Hearne, Thomas, antiquarian, dia- 224 rist ^.England, 1678-1735 Heath, Lyman, poet, song-writer. United States, 1804-1870 169 388 770 Hebel, John Peter, poet, 689 Germany, 1760-1826 Heber, Reginald, bishop and poet, England, 1783-1826 40 169 207 252 273 353 663 747 918 Heine, Heinrich, poet and author, Germany, 1800-1856 37 40 88 100 108 157 192 202 204 248 272 307 314 338 348 417 460 463 470 501 526 557 563 567 582 673 747 755 773 834 847 863 904 Heliodorus, Greek romancist, bishop, 882 about a.d. 350 Helmuth, William Tod, physician and writer. .United States, 1833-1902 502 594
- Hemans, Felicia D., poet,
England, 1794-1835 Hena-ult, Chas. Jean, historian, 684" dramatist France, 1685-1770 Henderson, Barbara, poet, pres. cent, 354 Hendying 507 Henley, Wm. Ernest, writer and critic : England, 1849-1903
69 169 224 .242 445 446 470
507 532 545 555 582 600 737 764 765 869 Henry IV., "LeGrand," King of France France, 1553-1610
663 825 847
Henry, Matthew, eminent divine, England, 1662-1714 29 59 72 74 86 118 124 162 169 .357 381 435 550 553 575 585 693 788 795 808 811 817 890 Henry, O., see Porter, Wm. Sydney. Henry, Patrick, orator and patriot, United States, 1736-1799 245 411 438 811 Henry, Philip, nonconformist divine 169 360 England, 1631-1696