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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/989

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  • Livy, Thus, historian. . Padua, b.c. 59-a.d. 17

Lloyd, David, biographer, 742 England, 1625-1691 Lloyd George, David, statesman, premier England, 1863-L.

637 660 832 849 850 910 917 

Lloyd, Robert, poet.. . .England, 1733-1764

Locke, John, philosopher and philanthropist England, 1632-1704

181 183 236 351 386 401 410 

421 658 700 788 820 904 Locker-Lampson, Frederick, poet, England, 1821-1895 55 153 195 505 603 634 705 830 914 Lockier, Francis England, 1667-1740

Lockhart, John Gibson, author, 141 153 poet and critic. . . . Scotland, 1794-1854 Lodge, Henry Cabot, U. S. senator 459 historian, statesman, orator, United States, 1856-L. Lodge, Thomas, dramatist, poet, miscellaneous writer, collabo- 666 rated with Robert Greene, England, 1558(?)-1625 Lofft, Capel, writer England, 1751-1824

Logan, John, divine and poet, 153 Scotland, 1748-1788 Logau, Friedrich von, poet, Germany, 1604-1655 671 711 820 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, poet and scholar, United States, 1807-1882 Longfellow, Samuel, clergyman and 562 poet United States, 1819-1892 Longinus, Dionysius Cassius, critic and philosopher, Greece, about 210-273 516 673 916 Lord Lovel, old ballad 472 Lotharius I. (Lothair), emperor of 93 the West, 795-855 Louis II., "The Stammerer," king of 854 France, 846-879 Louis XI, king of France 1423-1483 684 Louis XIII., king of France 1601-1643 152 Louis XIV., king of France, "Le Grand" 1638-1715

624 684 869 

Louis XV., king of France 1710-1774

810 850 

LouisXVIII, king of France 1755-1824 616 Louis Phillippe, "Roi citoyen," king of France 1773-1850

520 752 

Lovelace, Richard, poet, England, 1618-1658 60 273 314 472 634 876 Lovell, Marie Anne Lacy, actress, 464 dramatist England, 1803-1877 Loveman, Robert, poet, author, 655 United States, 1864-L. Lover, Samuel, novelist, poet and painter Ireland, 1797-1868

56 202 447 484 497 531 702 

722 723 900 Lowell, Amy, poet, critic, United States, 1874-L. 60 79 307 351 614 750 823 904 ♦Lowell, James Russell, poet, critic, and scholar . United States, 1819-1891 Lowell, Maria White, poet, 530 United States, 1821-1853 Lowell, Robert T. S., author, 850 United States, 1816-1891 Lowndes, William, secretary of 523 treasury to George IV., England, 1652-1724 Lowth, Robert, bishop and writer, 113 England, 1710-1787 Loyson, Charles (PereHyacinthe), 850 divine, theologian .. France, -1912

  • Lucan (Lucanus), Marcus, ANN^ius, last of the Roman epic

poets living 39-65 Lucas, Edward Verrall, writer, 850 publisher's reader . England, 1868-L. Lucas, St. John Welles, novelist, 199 poet England, 1879-L. Lucian, witty Greek writer, 323 542 Samosata, a.d. 90-180 Lucian, Gallus, Greek writer, circa 120- 613 Lucillius, Caius, Roman satiric 421 poet, b.c. 148-103 Lucretius, Titus Lucretius Carus, philosophical poet, Italy, b.c, about 96-55 101 117 171 237 290 309 323 359 360 363 421 514 519 561 567 594 601 604 609 664 695 737 891 Ludlow, Fitz-Hugh, author, 796 United States, 1836-1870 Lunt, George, lawyer, poet, writer, 275 United States, 1803-1885 Lupanus, Vicentius 684 Luther, Martin, reformer, Germany, 1483-1546 117 192 209 318 473 664 850 865 904 Luxburg, Count Karl von, German 850 Ambassador to Argentine Republic, 1914-1917, during World War. Germany, Lycosthenes, Conrad, see Wolffhart, Conrad. Lycurgus, semimythical Spartan 101 188 law-giver, lived about b.c. 820 Lydgate, John, poet, 35 126 607 England, about 1375-1460 Lyke-Wake Dirge 738

  • Lyly (Lylie, Lyllie), John, dramatist England, about 1553-1606

Lyons, A. Neil (Albert Michael), 727 miscellaneous writer, novelist, poet, dramatist, editor, Cape Colony, 1880-L. Lysaght, Edward, song writer, 401 Ireland, 1763-1811(?) Lysander, Grecian general and statesman died b.c. 395


Lyte, Henry Francis, hymn writer, 318 Scotland, 1793-1847 Lyttleton, George, Lord, author and statesman .... England, 1709-1773 60 72 299 601 607 830 869 891 Lyttleton, Thomas (2nd Lord), 687 called "The Bad," . England, 1744-1779 Lytton, Bulwer, see Bulwer. ♦Lytton, Lord Edward, Robert Bulwer, "Owen Meredith," poet England, 1831-1891 M Macaulay, Thomas Babington, scholar, critic and historian, England, 1800-1859 1 20 35 79 83 86 101 118 137 151 171 188 212 273 333 367 380 387 418 422 436 473 490 514 528 542 550 573 601 612 624 664 687 699 724 758 817 827 851 871 893 MacBeath, F. G., poet, pres. cent. 138 McCall, William, author, 208 Scotland, 1812-1888 McCarthy, Denis Florence, author, 501 Ireland, 1820-1882