Page:Indian Cookery and Confectionery.djvu/22

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Sandesh with kheer 132
Sarachakra 168
Sarpuria 135
Saruchakli 124
Singara 120
Sitabhog 139
Solid curd 129
Sweets of cocoa-nut 133
Sweets of flattened rice 133
Tal bara 125
Tawa puri 126
Tenti 161
Tikar shahi 168
Tilua 155

Jams and Jellies

Am-satta 171
Barfi of various fruits 175
Jelly of green mangoes,etc. 175
Jelly of pine-apples 174
Marmalade of bel fruits(green) 173
Marmalade of ginger 173
Marmalade of green mangoes 172
Marmalade of myrobalans 174
Marmalade of pineapples 172
Marmalade of white gourd 174

Pickles and Sauces

Achar of Amlaki 178
Achar of arums 185
Achar of brinjals 177
Achar of ginger 177
Achar of Lemons 180
Achar of mangoes 179
Achar of mangoes(French preparation) 180
Achar of onions 177
Achar of Plums or Kul-achar 176
Achar of sajina flowers I78
Achar of tamarind 176
Amsi or Amchur 180
Chatni of Alubokhara 181
Chatni of green mangoes 183
Chatni of papaws 182
Chatni of pine-apples 181
Chatni of potatoes 182
Chatni of pudina leaves 182
Chatni of pumpkin 183