85. nauta bonus (bases naut- bon-), m., the good sailor
Singular | Plural | |||
Nom. | nauta | bonus | nautae | bonī |
Gen. | nautae | bonī | nautārum | bonōrum |
Dat. | nautae | bonō | nautīs | bonīs |
Acc. | nautam | bonum | nautās | bonōs |
Abl'. | nautā | bonō | nautīs | bonīs |
Voc. | nauta | bone | nautae | bonī |
First learn the special vocabulary, p. 285.
- Est[1] in vīcō nauta bonus.
- Sextus est amīcus nautae bonī.
- Sextus nautae bonō galeam dat.
- Populus Rōmānus nautam bonum laudat.
- Sextus cum nautā bonō praedam portat.
- Ubi, nauta bone, sunt arma et tēla lēgātī Rōmānī?
- Nautae bonī ad bellum properant.
- Fāma nautārum bonōrum est clāra.
- Pugnae sunt grātae nautīs bonīs.
- Oppidānī nautās bonōs cūrant.
- Cūr, nautae bonī, malī agricolae ad Rhēnum properant?
- Malī agricolae cum bonīs nautīs pugnant.
- The wicked farmer is hastening to the village with (his) booty.
- The reputation of the wicked farmer is not good.
- Why does Galba's daughter give arms and weapons to the wicked farmer?
- Lesbia invites the good sailor to dinner.
- Why is Lesbia with the good sailor hastening from the cottage?
- Sextus, where is my helmet?
- The good sailors are hastening to the toilsome battle.
- The horses of the wicked farmers are small.
- The Roman people give money to the good sailors.
- Friends care for the good sailors.
- Whose friends are fighting with the wicked farmers?
- ↑ Est, beginning a declarative sentence, there is.