Et tamen non tres dii, * sed unus est Deus. |
And yet they are not three Gods, but one God. |
Ita Dominus Pater, Dominus Filius, * Dominus Spiritus Sanctus. |
So the Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, and the Holy Ghost is Lord. |
Et tamen non tres Domini, * sed unus est Dominus. |
And yet they are not three Lords, but one Lord. |
Quia sicut singillatim unamquamque personam Deum ac Dominum confiteri christiana veritate compelimur: * ita tres Deos aut Dominos dicere Catholica religione prohibemur. |
For as we are obliged by the Christian Truth to acknowledge every Person to be God and Lord: so we are forbidden by the Catholic religion to say there are three Gods or three Lords. |
Pater a nullo est factus, * nec creatus, nec genitus. |
The Father was made by no one, neither created, nor begotten. |
Filius a Patre solo est: * non factus, nec creatus, sed genitus. |
The Son is by the Father alone; not made, nor created, but begotten. |
Spiritus Sanctus a Patre et Filio: * non factus, nec creatus, nec genitus, sed procedens. |
The Holy Ghost is from the Father and the Son, not made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding. |
Unus ergo Pater, non tres Patres: unus Filius, non tres Filii: * unus Spiritus Sanctus, non tres Spiritus Sancti. |
So there is one Father, not three Fathers: one Son, not three Sons: one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. |
Et in hac Trinitate nihil prius aut posterius, nihil |
And in this Trinity there is nothing before or after, |