INDEX, continued
- Pudding, bread, 202…141
- Pudding„ Genovese, 88…67
- Pudding„ Hazelnuts, 182…124
- Pudding„ lemon, 204…142
- Pudding„ potato, 203…141
- Pudding„ rice meal, 201…140
- Pudding„ roasted almonds, 205…143
- Puff Paste, 62…48
- Quince, cake, 195…135
- Quince„ preserve, 215…151
- Rabbit, stewed, 52…42
- Raspberry syrup, 210…148
- Ravioli, 10…11
- Rice, cakes, 27…25
- Rice„ meal pudding, 201…140
- Rice„ pancakes, 70…55
- Rice„ pudding with giblets, 87…66
- Rice„ tart, 199…139
- Rice„ with saffron, 26…24
- Risotto Milanaise, 22…22
- Risotto„ with chicken giblets, 23…22
- Risotto„ with lobster, 25…23
- Risotto„ with peas, 24…23
- Risotto„ with saffron, 26…24
- Roast-beef, 128…93
- Rolls, stuffed, 38…32
- Roman fry, 68, 69…54–55
- Sabayon, 208…146
- Salmi of game, 50…41
- Sauce, anchovy, 13…15
- Sauce„ balsamella, 59…46
- Sauce„ brown stock, 12…14
- Sauce„ caper, 57…45
- Sauce„ for broiled fish, 56…45
- Sauce„ green, 53…43
- Sauce„ Genovese, 58…46
- Sauce„ tomato, 12…14
- Sauce„ white, 54…43
- Sauce„ yellow, 55…44
- Sausages with com meal, 163…113
- Sausages„ with onions, 164…114
- Soup, bean, 7…9
- Soup„ bread, 7…9
- Soup„ cappelletti, 2…6
- Soup„ lentils, 8…10
- Soup„ Pavese, 11…12
- Soup„ Queen, 6…9
- Soup stock, 1…5
- Soup„ vegetables, 5…8
- Spaghetti, 11–15…13–17
- (see Macaroni)
- Spinach, side-dish, 113…84
- Squabs, ragout, 48…39
- stewed, 47…39
- stewed„ timbale, 49…40
- (See Pigeons)
- Squash, fried, 32…28
- Squash„ stuffed, 91…69
- Steak in the saucepan, 149…106
- Stewed cutlets, 73…57
- Strawberry, ice, 218…154
- String beans in mold, 94…71
- String beans„ sautè, 92…70
- String beans„ with egg sauce, 93…71
- Stufato, 170…117
- Stufato„ French, 173…119
- Stufato„ Milanaise, 172…118
- Stufato„ Southern, 171…118
- Stuffing, chicken, 64…51
- Stuffing„ meat, 65…52
- Sugo di carne, 13…15
- Sweet-breads, 157…110
- Syrup, hard blackberry, 212…149
- Syrup„ lemon, 211…148
- Syrup„ orgeat, 213…150
- Syrup„ raspberry, 210…148
- Syrup„ red currant, 209…146
- Tart, curly, 188…129
- Tart„ farina, 200…139
- Tart„ Mantona, 187…128
- Tart„ rice, 199…139
- Tenderloin, with Marsala, 85…65
- Tenderloin„ with spices, 158…111
- Tomato sauce, 12…14
- Tomato„ stuffed, 110…82
- Tongue, boiled, 154…108
- Tongue„ stewed, 156…109
- Tongue„ with olives, 155…109
- Tripe with gravy, 82…63
- Trout, Alpine, 174…120
- Trout„ fried, 176…121
- Trout„ Lombard, 175…121
- Trout„ with anchovies, 177…121
- Turkey, 145…104
- Tutti frutti, ice, 221…155
- Veal, breast, 80…62