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Astronomical Dialogues.

That's true, said she; but as obvious as this Observation is, I never made it before. And really the Education of us Women, is so silly and crampt, that, generally speaking, we are never taught, nor innured to think of any thing out of the common Way, and beyond the Legend of the Nursery: Nothing but our Work, a little Housewifery, and a great deal of Gossiping.

CalendarBut pray let us go on: The next Circle I perceive is only an Almanack, with both our Own, and the Foreign or New Stile, or way of accounting Time: But pray, Sir, of what Use is this innermost Circle, and how is it divided?

Divisions of a Circle.Madam, said I, all Circles on the Globes are supposed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, which they call Degrees, and each Degree into 60 lesser Parts which they call Minutes, and so on, by a Sub-division by 60 still, as far as you please. This Circle is design'd to shew us what we call the Sun's Place for every Day in the Year; and therefore is divided actually into 12 parts, which are distinguish'd here, you see, by these Pictures of 12 Eminent Constellations, or Parcels of Stars; and which, because they do sign
