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Astronomical Dialogues.

or mark out a particular Place in the Heavens, where the Sun is, or appears to be, every Month, have been called the Signs of the Zodiac.Twelve Signs of the Zodiac: And each of these Signs is divided into 30 equal Parts or Degrees, which makes up the whole 360.

Hold a little, Sir, said the Lady, for I have now so many things to ask you that I know not where not to begin ——

Madam, said I, all the Affair of the Zodiac, of the 12 Signs, and of the Sun's apparent Yearly Motion through them, I will fully explain to you hereafter: And all you need know now is, That it is the Use of this Circle to shew you in what Degree of it, or in what Place or Part of any of the 12 Signs, in which the Sun is supposed to be at Noon, answers to each particular Day of the Month: As for Instance; You see this Day, May the 20th, is placed in the Calendar, just against the first Degree of (♊) Gemini, and therefore that is the Sun's Place for this Day.

Since I must wait, said she, I will be patient, and be content to be taught in your own Way; but I will never forgive you if you don't tell me, just now, why 360 was only pitch'd upon for the Number of
