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Astronomical Dialogues.

Divisions, or, as you call them, Degrees of your Circles; and why any other Number would not have done as well?

Madam, said I, any other greater Number that could have been broken into Parts without Fractions would have done better. But they had a particular Reason to pitch upon this 360, which yet I beg you will excuse me from telling you now, because it will be much more usefully explain'd hereafter, and save a great many Digressions at present.

Well! said she, I'm sure you keep me out of this only to mortify me, and to try my Patience; but that I may not tire yours, I submit.

You are so moderate and easy in your Desires, Madam, reply'd I, that I will now go out of the common Method, and explain all that Matter to you immediately.

Sun's Motion.The Ancient Astronomers observed of the Sun, that besides his apparent Motion round the Earth in 24 Hours, by which he made, as they supposed, Day and Night; the former when he was above, the latter when he was below the Horizon of any place; which Daily or Diurn-
