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Astronomical Dialogues.

nal Motion (by the by) they supposed to be always made either in this very Equinoctial Circle, or in some other lesser ones parallel to it, or equally distant from it: These Parallel Circles also they supposed to be, in the Summer Half-year on the North side, and in the Winter, on the South side of the Equinoctial. And they took notice, Madam, that besides this Diurnal Motion (which appear'd to be circular) the Sun had also in appearance a progressive one, forward on in another circular Track in the Heavens; which, because they found that when ever the Moon came into the very same Circle, there would be an Eclipse of either Her, or the Sun, they call'd the Ecliptick. This is the Circle here on the Glove, which lies oblique to, or askew, and cuts or crosses this other, which is drawn exactly into in the middle between the Poles, and is call'd the Equinocital or Equator: This Ecliptick Circle also, because they perceived that the Sun never deviated from it in his Annual Motion towards either Pole North or South, they called the Way of the Sun: And they found that in the Time of our Common Year, he would appear to go quite round, or pass successively through all the Parts of this Circle.
