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They tell you, it is not in their own power, but in the name and power of Jeſus Chriſt. So in Acts iv. 18. 'We do in the name of Chriſt.' So that, beloved, this is a ſtrong argument to prove the Deity of Chriſt; they did great miracles in his name, and by his power his diſciples did great miracles. And with this Jeſus ſatisfied the diſciples of John, 'Go and tell what things ye hear and ſee, how the lame walk, and the blind receive their ſight; Go and tell John.' Now, I ſay, theſe great things could be done by none but by a great God; and therefore Jefus Chriſt is not only the Son of man, but the Son of God, even God bleſſed for ever.

But Fourthly, Conſider divine worthip is due unto Chriſt. Now you know, worſhip is proper only to God.' Worſhip him that made heaven and earth, and the ſea,' ſaid the angel, Rev. xiv. 7. Worſhip only is proper to God alone. Now, beloved, all the acts of worſhip that belong to God the Father, are given to the Son Jeſus Chriſt, both angels and men are commanded to worſhip him, as well as we, Heb. i. 6. Let all the angels of God worthip him;' And in Phil. ii. 10. 'That at the name