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of Jeſus every knee fhould bow, both of all things in heaven and on earth;' mark ſirs, things in heaven, as well as things on the earth, muſt worſhip Chriſt; and Chriſt himſelf ſaith, John xiv. 1. 'Ye believe in God, believe alſo in me?'———Mark, ſirs, ſpeaking of thoſe that believe in God, ſaith he, 'Ye believe in God, believe alſo in me.'——— Now; beloved, we are commanded to pray to Chriſt, to glorify Chriſt, to believe in Chriſt, to honour Chriſt, and worſhip Chriſt; and therefore the ſaints have prayed, 'Lord Jeſus receive my ſpirit,' as Stephen did. So that you ſee worſhip is due to Chriſt, both from angels and men, and therefore he muſt needs be God.

Fifthly, There be clear prediction of the coming of Chriſt under the Old Teſtament. No ſooner was man fallen, but Chriſt was promiſed, 'The seed of the woman ſhall bruiſe the ſerpent's head.' All the prophets foretold of the MESSIAH, Iſaiah, Jeremiah, Hoſen, Daniel, Malachi, and the reſt of them, how falſely he ſhould be accuſed, and how baſely he ſhould be uſed, and this will be enough to condemn the unbelieving Jews, and make them ſpeech-