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leſs in the great day of accounts. I might give you the ſayings of the ſame prophets, but you may find them your- ſelves; ſearch the Old Teſtament, and you ſhall find them all ſpeak more or leſs of Jeſus Chriſt. Thus I have clearly proved by expreſs ſcripture, and unde- niable arguments, that Jeſus Chriſt is true and perfect God I proceed to the uſe and application of it to ourſelves.

Uſe. The firſt uſe ſhall be for information: If it be ſo, that Jeſus is true and perfect God: then, tho' this be a ſtrange truth to ſome, yet it is a ſound truth; tho' the myſtery be deep, yet the divinity is true that he who made man, became man, ſuffered by man, and for man ; 'Without controverſy,' ſaith the apoſtle, 'great is the myſtery of godlineſs;' What is the matter? God manifeſted in the fleſh, I Tim. iii. 16 'Without controverſy, without all doubt, a great myſtery,' ſaith the apoſtle, 'God manifeſted in the fleſh.' The ſchoolmen compare the incarnation of Jeſus Chriſt to a garments made by three ſiſters, and one of them wears it: So all the three PERSONS in the TRINITY had a hand in the garment of CHRIST'S FLESH, but the