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ſecond Person he wore it; he was God manifeſted in the fleſh; and this is a great myſtery. And truly, ſirs, it is a great myſtery for happineſs to become a curſe, Gal. iii. For him that made the angels, to become lower than the angels, Heb.ii. For the Creator to become a creature: for him that had the riches of all in him, to become poor. Oh! this is a great myſtery, that he whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain, his glory ſhould be wrapt up in the rags of fleſh; that the great God ſhould take upon him a piece of earth; that he who hangs the earth upon nothing, should hang upon a croſs between two thieves, truly a great myſtery: That he who rules the ſtars ſhould ſuck the breaſts: That he who thunders in the clouds, ſhould be cradled in a manger. Oh! a great myſtery, that Abraham's Lord ſhould become Abraham's ſon; that the God of Abraham ſhould take upon him Abraham's ſeed; what a my- ſtery is this? he was conceived in the bowels of his mother, that he might be received into the boſom of his Fa- ther. 'Therefore,' ſaith the apoſtle, without controverſy, great is the myſtery of godlineſs, God manifeſted in