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'the fleſh.' God's Son become man's ſon, that we poor man's ſons might become God's ſons.

But ſecondly, Is Jeſus Chriſt true and perfect God? My ſecond inference is this, That Jeſus is a precious God: He is honey in the mouth, beauty in the eye, joy in the heart, and muſic in the ear, "Let all their money periſh with them, who eſteen all the gold in the world worth one day's ſociety with Jeſus Chriſt," ſaid a great Marque when he was tempted with money.

Oh! ſirs, Chriſt's members are the happieſt, Chriſt's comforts are the ſweereſt, Chriſt's reward is the high eſt, Chriſt's precepts ate the pureſt Chriſt's glory is the greateſt, Chrift love is the trueſt, Chriſt's riches are the moſt precious, he is the glory of God, the paradiſe of angels, the beauty of heaven, the redeemer of men in Heb. i. 3. he is there called 'the brightneſs of his Father's glory;' he is the rich jewel in the cabinet of glory, he is the ſparkling pearl, whoſoever hath him cannot be poor, but whoſoever wants him cannot be rich.

Thirdly, if Chriſt be true and perfect God, then Chriſt's members