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and the greateſt and happieſt; if Christ is God Almighty's only Son, believers are God Almighty's only daughters. You read of God's daughters in Pſal. xiv. Chriſt is the King, believers are the queen; Chriſt is the bridegroom; believers are the bride; Chriſt is the Lamb, believers are his wife, Rev. xxi. 9. What ſhall I ſay? the angels in glory are in a very glorious ſtate, and yet let me tell you, believers in Chriſt be higher than angels; they are ſervants, we are members; they be the friends of the bridegroom, we are the bride; they have their perſonal glory, we have the ſame glory for ſubſtance with Jeſus Chritſ, John xvii. 22. 'The glory which thou haſt given me,' faith Chriſt, I have given them. Believers be nearer the throne than angels; and this doth wonderfully ſpeak out that we are higher than the angels In Rev. v. The four beaſts are nearer the throne than the angels.

O! beloved, how are believers advanced! how high are we become, poor duſt and aſhes to be above angels! and this is the greateſt happineſs which we get, by Chriſt's aſſuming our nature for the ſalvation of our ſouls.