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Again, Chriſt's members be not only the greateſt, but the happieſt : our renewed condition is as good in Chriſt, as it was bad in Adam. Oh! ſirs, we were no more curſed out of Chriſt, than we were bleſſed in Chriſt; Chriſt is as full of life, as Adam was full of death; Chriſt is as full of ſweetneſs to us, as Adam was of bitterneſs to us. Truly ſoul, if thou ſay Chriſt is thine; I will ſpeak next and ſay, Soul, thou haſt that which is more worth than a king's ranſom ; that which is more worth than all that which the devil promiſed Chriſt, when he ſhewed him all the kingdoms of the world. Oh! the happineſs of poor believers ! there is no condemnation to them that are in Chriſt Jeſus,' ſaith Paul, Rom. viii. I. Therefore they are happy.

But Fourthly, Chriſt Jeſus is true and perfect God, Then we infer from hence, that God's love and good-will to mankind was very great. That Jeſus Chriſt ſhould come from heaven to take our nature, that we might be partakers of the divine nature; Chriſt took upon him our ſhame, that we might be partakers of his glory. One drop of his blood is worth a ſea of ours, and