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yet he died our death, that we might live his life; he ſuffered our hell, that we might enjoy his heaven. Oh! how infinitely did he love us! He endured the foreſt pains, that we might enjoy the ſweeteſt pleaſures. The scripture tells us, that he came leaping; he came with ſuch a good will; he came leaping; as you know when a man goes leaping, you may know that it was with a good-will: he came leaping and ſkipping, Cant. ii. 8. 'He came leaping upon the mountains, and ſkipping upon the hills.' “ Leaping," faith Gregory, how ſo! “ Why," faith he, "from the throne to the womb, from the womb to the cradle, from the cradle to the croſs, and from thence to the throne again; this was his leap." Oh! ſirs, oh! ſirs, how much did this Jeſus ſuffer for poor believers! he was hanged upon the croſs on Mount Calvary, that he might ſit on the throne in Mount Sion.

3. Uſe. Secondly. By way of exhoration; Iſt, To ſinners, to unbelievers, to graceleſs perſons, I have a few words to ſay. Oh! ſirs, oh! ſirs, methinks I cannot but do towards you as Chriſt