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did once towards Jeruſalem, when he came near the city, he wept over it.——— Truly, ſinner, your ſtate is a weeping ſtate ; your ſtate is a miſerable ſtate; you ly open to all the wrath, all the vengeance, all the curſes under heaven. O poor miſerable ſinners, cannot you pity yourſelves? The Lord of heaven pity you. Did Jeſus Chriſt come from heaven to you ſinners, and will not you come out of your ſin, to come to Chriſt? Did Chriſt come from his Father's boſon, and leave his throne and crown, and all his glory, to come to a peor loſt world, and to die and ſuffer: here for poor loſt ſinners: and what ſinners, will this make no impreſſion upon you? Let me tell you, ſirs, Chriſt came into the world, for no other end and reaſon, but only to die for poor ſinners. It was the great deſign of Chriſt to ſave poor ſinners. ſirs, if you will not credit me, look into the ſcripture, and then ſurely you will believe it, I Tim. i. 15. 'This is a faithful ſaying, ſaith the apoſtle, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jeſus Chrift came into the world to ſave ſinners.' Mark, ſirs, 'He came into the world to ſave ſinners' Chriſt hanged upon