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the croſs, and wept upon the croſs, and died upon the croſs, to ſave ſinners; it was for poor ſinners, all the hardſhips, all the wants, all the trials and ſufferpgs which he met with; it was for the ſake of poor ſinners. Chriſt hath ſuffered all this woe and miſery for thee and wilt not thou leave thy swearing, and thy drunkenneſs, and any wickedneſs, for Chriſt? O! the ſad, ſad day that is coming on thee? how canſt thou anſwer this before God Almighty, that Jeſus Chriſt the King of Kings, ſhould come into the world, and abaſe himſelf ſo much, as to be in a mean ſtate, and yet that this ſhould nothing affect you! Oh! who will pity you when you are damned? when you are howling and roaring in hell? that would not pity yourſelves! Oh! for the Lord's ſake, conſider that God ſhould come and take our nature, and that he should take our rags, that we might wear his robes? And what! Will you rather remain in your ſins, and die, than come to Chriſt for life? O! sinner, for the Lord's ſake, put off your Beggars rags, that you may put on his lovely robes.

I have read of Alexander the Great,