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that when he came againſt a city, he uſed to ſet up a candle, and if they yielded before the candle was out, they ſhould have quarters, but if they ſtood out, they might expect nothing but hanging, drawing and quartering. Oh ſirs, Chriſt ſets up a candle to thee, and if thou wilt come in to-day, thou ſhall have mercy, or elſe there will be none If all the angels and ſaints in heaven ſhould fall upon their knees, and ſay. Oh! Lord, ſpare this poor creature, one dram of mercy for him, it would not be regarded, the Lord will not hear them. And therefore, for the Lord's ſake conſider, men are ſentenced, not only for their ſinfulneſs, But for their ſlothfulneſs; men may periſh for being ſervants that are unprofitable, as well as for ſinners that are abominable. Methinks you ſhould take as much delight in thoſe precepts that enjoin holineſs, as in thoſe promiſes that aſſure happi- neſs; if the day of mercy leave you graceleſs, the day of judgement will find you ſpeechleſs; tho' you may reſiſt the judgement he lays before you, yet you can never reſiſt the judgement that he lays upon you ; there is no ſtanding before Chriſt, but by ſtanding