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in Chriſt. Ungodly men fear no wrath, becauſe they feel no wrath; beauſe the ſin is unpuniſhed, they think there is no puniſhment for their ſins; becauſe he goeth on to ſpare them, they go on to provoke him; as he adds to their lives, they add to their luſts; becauſe he is very merciful, they will be very ſinful; becauſe he is very good, they will be very bad; becauſe juſtice thinks, men think he is blind; becauſe he doth not reprove them for their ſins, therefore they think he doth approve them in their ſins. Juſtice will avenge the quarrel of abuſed mercy; the longer God forbears, not finding amendment, the ſorer he ſtrikes when he comes to judgement.

Oh! ſinners, though the patience of God be laſting, it is not everlaſting; by the warning-piece of God, you are not alarmed, you ſhall be conſumed; the longer God is fetching about hand, the heavier will be the blow when it comes ; 'I gave her ſpace to repent of her fornication, but ſhe repented not;' what follows? 'Behold I will caſt her in a bed, and they that commit adultery with her,' Rev. 21, 22. The day that begins in