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mercy may end in judgement. God is lent ſo long as our ſins will let him quiet ; but know that God hath via of wrath filled with indignation, veſſels of wrath fitted for deſtruction If God's mercy do not draw you to repentance, God's judgements will drive, you to deſtruction; the ſea of damnation ſhall not be ſweetened with a drop of compaſſion.

Oh! ſinners, either ſeek out a favour to deliver you from the wrath of God, or elſe find out a ſhoulder to bear you up under the wrath of God. Or that you would conſider your way hath not God ſaid, 'That no ſwearer, nor drunkard, nor whoremonger, adulterer, ſhall enter into the kingdom of heaven; and ſuch are ſome of you;' God knows it, and your own conſciences know it; and yet you falter yourſelves, and ſpeak peace to your felves, when God ſpeaks not a word of peace to you. Oh, ſinners, think this before the bottomleſs pit he ſhut her mouth upon you: Oh, do not longer forget God and your own salvation, Heb. ii. 3. 'How ſhall we escape, if we neglect ſo great ſalvation.' If you neglect the great ſalvation,