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of the Lamb: They who turn away their ears from hearing Chriſt’s voice now, Chriſt will turn away his ears from hearing their cries then.

Secondly, There be others that de ny the Deity of Chriſt; and there are ſome ſeditious ones in this nation, who ſay, 'That Chrift is but mere man', 'and that every ſaint is as much God 'as Chriſt;' and further they ſay, 'That to equal Chriſt with God is high blaſphemy.' They that will not own Chriſt at his firſt coming, Chriſt will not own them at his ſecond coming, they that will not obey the truth of God revealed from heaven unto them, ſhall ſuſſer the wrath of God revealed from heaven againſt them.

Oh ye blaſphemers, ye ſay the Son is not God, The Father faith, he is God ; now who ſpeaks true, God or you? let God be true and every man a liar. That it is ſo, I ſhall give you more clear proofs. Expreſs ſcripture ſpeaks it forth, that Jeſus Chriſt is true and perfect God, Tic ii. 13. faith the apoſtle there, 'looking for the bleſ ſed hope and glorious appearance of the great God.’ Mark, Chriſt is here not only called God. but great God.