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- Hindenburg, Marshal von
- Assumes command of Austrian troops, 104
- Presented with house, 263
- Retreats on Western Front, 139
- Hindenburgitis, 119
- Hindenburg line breached, 248
- His latest, 154
- Home Front, the, 22
- Derby, Lord, most prominent man on, 80
- Drink, a dangerous enemy, 32
- Education of those on, 107
- Flower-beds sacrificed, 55
- Khaki weddings, 42
- London Police strike, 252
- Pessimists, cure for, 47
- Railway Travelling, discomforts of, 184
- Trials of mistresses on, 19
- Hooge, British success at, 50
- Home, General, 267
- Hotels commandeered, 136
- House of Commons
- Attends church, 270
- Characteristics of, 34
- How to brighten the period of re-action, 287
- Hunding line, 146
- Hun to Hun, 236
- Hyde Park used for training troops, 6
- India, "lonely soldiers" in, 107
- Indian troops, 16
- Infectious hornpipe, the, 143
- Influenza, Spanish, 241
- In honour of the British Navy, 273
- In reserve, 250
- Inseparable, the, 177
- Invasion by sea, English Press fears, 43
- Ireland
- Debate on, in Parliament, 117
- Dominates proceedings in Parliament, 216
- Exempted from Military Service Bill, 70
- Greenwich time applied to, 120
- Insurrection in West of, 88
- Insurrectionist leaders executed, 88
- Irreconcilables triumph at General Election, 275
- Maxwell, Sir John, appointed to supreme command, 88
- Nationalists attack Sir John Maxwell, 105
- Placed under martial law, 83
- Irish Convention, 154
- Exile, the, 260
- Harvest labourers, 260
- Italy
- Bainsizza plateau saved, 176
- Declares war on Austria, 36
- Push on the Isonzo, 104
- Jaffa, British in, 186
- James, Mr. Henry
- Adopts British nationality, 91
- Tribute to England by, 272
- Jazz, outbreak of, 278
- Jellicoe, Lord, retires from post of First Sea Lord, 190
- Jericho captured by Allies, 202
- Jerusalem captured by British, 190
- Joffre, General, announces rolling back of enemy, 5
- John, Mr. Augustus, paints Mr. Lloyd George's portrait, 82
- Jones, Mr. Kennedy
- Declares beer a food, 162
- Resignation of, 174
- Journalists visit the Fleet, 72
- Jutland, Battle of, 92
- Kaiser, German
- Abdicates, 264
- Absent from Francis Joseph's funeral, 128
- Attila's understudy, 190
- Blasphemer and Hypocrite, 5
- Denies responsibility for War, 102
- Disappointed with Allah, 74
- Encourages war on non-combatants, 20
- First War birthday, 23
- Flees to Holland, 264
- Foiled before Nancy, 10
- Has another grandson, 32
- Murderer of innocents, 23
- Orders blockade of England, 24
- Poses as friend of the people, 165
- Pro-Socialist, 154
- Punch's views on, 276
- Refrains from active participation in military operations, 110
- Reprimands Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia, 108
- Sorry for France, 58
- Speech to Eton College Volunteers, 58
- Talks of his conscience, 130
- Kaiser, Ex-, saws trees, 284
- Karl, Emperor of Austria's suggestion re Alsace-Lorraine, 220
- Karlsruhe bombarded by Allied airmen, 39
- Kerensky, appointed head of Russian Provisional Government, 176
- Overthrown, 186