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Page:Mr. Punch's history of the Great War, Graves, 1919.djvu/325

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  1. Keyes, Admiral, locks up German submarines, 230
  2. Kiel, mutiny at, 264
  3. Kipling, Mr., 58
  4. Kitchener, Lord
  5. Asks for more men, 36
  6. Death of, 92
  7. Eulogies of, 94
  8. Gives frugal information to Lords, 20
  9. Meets critics in Parliament, 92
  10. Obtains 1,000,000 men, 6
  11. Starts on the Hampshire for Russia, 92
  12. War Minister, 1
  13. Kluck, General von, failure of, 20
  14. Kölnische Zeitung and Punch, 30
  15. Kühlmann, von, fall of, 229
  16. Kultur, the reward of, 37
  17. Kut captured by British, 134
  18. Labour
  19. Demands of, 284
  20. Real voice of, 171
  21. Representation of, 275
  22. Troubles, 70
  23. Lansdowne, Lord, writes to Daily Telegraph, 192
  24. Laon, recaptured by Allies, 256
  25. Last Throw, the, 135
  26. Law, Mr. Bonar
  27. Announces air-raid reprisals, 182
  28. Appointed Leader of the House, 126
  29. Declares policy re indemnities, 284
  30. Introduces Budget, 155
  31. Made Chancellor of the Exchequer, 126
  32. Travels to France by aeroplane, 262
  33. Will not discuss military situation, 258
  34. League of Nations takes shape, 288
  35. Leinster, the, sunk by Germans, 256
  36. Lenin
  37. Appearance of, 152
  38. Attempted assassination of, 251
  39. Installed as dictator, 186
  40. Liberators, the, 203
  41. Lichnowsky's disclosures, 213
  42. Liége, Fall of, 2
  43. Lies, German campaign of, 6
  44. Lighting Orders, enforcement of, 199
  45. Lille regained by Allies, 256
  46. Lissauer, Herr, decorated by Kaiser, 16
  47. London, daylight air-raids extend to, 160
  48. Lonely soldiers, 107
  49. Long, Mr. Walter, his remedy for carping criticism, 65
  50. Loos, fighting at, 57
  51. Lord Mayor's banquet simplified, 118
  52. Lost chief, the, 93
  53. Lost land, a, 179
  54. Louvain, sack of, 2
  55. Lovelace, the modern, 70
  56. Ludendorff resigns, 257
  57. Lusitania, the
  58. American victims, 34
  59. Sinking of, 34
  60. Luxuries, imports of, curtailed, 76
  61. Lynch, Colonel, undertakes to raise Irish brigade, 239
  62. MacCabean Boy Scouts, 200
  63. MacNeill, Mr. Swift
  64. Endeavours to purge peerage of enemy dukes, 86
  65. Resents setting up of War Cabinet, 137
  66. Made in Germany, 209
  67. Mangin, General, 266
  68. Manifesto of German artists and professors, 26
  69. Marine, Mercantile, tribute paid to, by Parliament, 74
  70. Marne
  71. German push to, 220
  72. Germans again hurled back across, 236
  73. Mary, Queen of England, tribute to, 269
  74. Massacres by Bolshevists, 202
  75. Maude, General
  76. Captures Kut, 134
  77. Death of, 186
  78. Maunoury, General, 266
  79. Maurice affair, the, 225
  80. Max, Burgomaster of Brussels, 10
  81. Max, Prince
  82. German Chancellor, 257
  83. Issues pacific manifesto, 257
  84. McKenna, Mr.
  85. Chancellor of Exchequer, 40
  86. Introduces Bill for raising War Loan, 40
  87. Meatless days, 128
  88. Men of forty-one wanted, 120
  89. Merchant ships
  90. Dutch, sunk by German submarine, 140
  91. Neutral, torpedoed by German submarines, 24
  92. Mesopotamia, tide turning in, 134
  93. Messines Ridge captured, 158
  94. Michaelis, Dr.
  95. Appointed German Chancellor, 164
  96. Dismissed, 180
  97. Military Service Bill
  98. Becomes law, 74
  99. Ireland exempted from, 70