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- Keyes, Admiral, locks up German submarines, 230
- Kiel, mutiny at, 264
- Kipling, Mr., 58
- Kitchener, Lord
- Asks for more men, 36
- Death of, 92
- Eulogies of, 94
- Gives frugal information to Lords, 20
- Meets critics in Parliament, 92
- Obtains 1,000,000 men, 6
- Starts on the Hampshire for Russia, 92
- War Minister, 1
- Kluck, General von, failure of, 20
- Kölnische Zeitung and Punch, 30
- Kühlmann, von, fall of, 229
- Kultur, the reward of, 37
- Kut captured by British, 134
- Labour
- Demands of, 284
- Real voice of, 171
- Representation of, 275
- Troubles, 70
- Lansdowne, Lord, writes to Daily Telegraph, 192
- Laon, recaptured by Allies, 256
- Last Throw, the, 135
- Law, Mr. Bonar
- Announces air-raid reprisals, 182
- Appointed Leader of the House, 126
- Declares policy re indemnities, 284
- Introduces Budget, 155
- Made Chancellor of the Exchequer, 126
- Travels to France by aeroplane, 262
- Will not discuss military situation, 258
- League of Nations takes shape, 288
- Leinster, the, sunk by Germans, 256
- Lenin
- Appearance of, 152
- Attempted assassination of, 251
- Installed as dictator, 186
- Liberators, the, 203
- Lichnowsky's disclosures, 213
- Liége, Fall of, 2
- Lies, German campaign of, 6
- Lighting Orders, enforcement of, 199
- Lille regained by Allies, 256
- Lissauer, Herr, decorated by Kaiser, 16
- London, daylight air-raids extend to, 160
- Lonely soldiers, 107
- Long, Mr. Walter, his remedy for carping criticism, 65
- Loos, fighting at, 57
- Lord Mayor's banquet simplified, 118
- Lost chief, the, 93
- Lost land, a, 179
- Louvain, sack of, 2
- Lovelace, the modern, 70
- Ludendorff resigns, 257
- Lusitania, the
- American victims, 34
- Sinking of, 34
- Luxuries, imports of, curtailed, 76
- Lynch, Colonel, undertakes to raise Irish brigade, 239
- MacCabean Boy Scouts, 200
- MacNeill, Mr. Swift
- Endeavours to purge peerage of enemy dukes, 86
- Resents setting up of War Cabinet, 137
- Made in Germany, 209
- Mangin, General, 266
- Manifesto of German artists and professors, 26
- Marine, Mercantile, tribute paid to, by Parliament, 74
- Marne
- German push to, 220
- Germans again hurled back across, 236
- Mary, Queen of England, tribute to, 269
- Massacres by Bolshevists, 202
- Maude, General
- Captures Kut, 134
- Death of, 186
- Maunoury, General, 266
- Maurice affair, the, 225
- Max, Burgomaster of Brussels, 10
- Max, Prince
- German Chancellor, 257
- Issues pacific manifesto, 257
- McKenna, Mr.
- Chancellor of Exchequer, 40
- Introduces Bill for raising War Loan, 40
- Meatless days, 128
- Men of forty-one wanted, 120
- Merchant ships
- Dutch, sunk by German submarine, 140
- Neutral, torpedoed by German submarines, 24
- Mesopotamia, tide turning in, 134
- Messines Ridge captured, 158
- Michaelis, Dr.
- Appointed German Chancellor, 164
- Dismissed, 180
- Military Service Bill
- Becomes law, 74
- Ireland exempted from, 70