Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/150

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Isolde and Tristan, vii. 50, 150

Ispahan, Pied Piper in, ix. 348 ; x. 57

Ita Tester on ' Beyond the Church,' iii. 205. Brig- stocke (Owen), ii. 86. " Poor Allinda's growing old," ii. 64. Steinman (George Steinman), ii. 88, 350

Italian, early glossary wanted, iii. 447

Italian artists, modern, ii. 468 ; iii. 38

Italian genealogy, x. 449 ; xi. 14, 73

Italian initial h, ii. 107, 352

Italian literature, early, xi. 497

Italian proverb : " Una mano lava 1'altra," ix. 329, 418, 493

Italian scholar hoaxed, ii. 367

Italian songs, v. 429

Italiano on flying machine in 1751, xii. 238

Italy, English graves in, ii. 307, 352 ; a "geo- graphical expression," iv. 249, 330 ; astrology in, v. 148 ; inscriptions in, vi. 4, 406, 446 ; evil- eye superstitions in, ix. 145, 216 ; Latin inscription near Siena, x. 209

Ithamar, girl's name, its origin, iv. 387, 438, 516

Ito, Jewish territorial association, its history, vi. 461 ; vii. 12, 93, 173

Iver, Bucks, place-name, its derivation, vi. 450 ; vii. 292 ; viii. 77

Iverach, its pronunciation, x. 468

Ivery : " the Ivery," Wiltshire local name, xi. 385 ; xii. 152

Ivorine, writing on, v. 228

Ivy, the oak, and the ash, i. 35

Ivy House, Brixton, and Queen Elizabeth, x. 348, 411

Ivy Lane, Strand, its history, v. 81, 136, 175, 254 ; vii. 414

Ixion on heraldry, xi. 197

Ixtlilxochitl and other Aztec names, vii. 325

Izard (Ralph and Walter), Westminster scholars, iv. 47, 237

J. on curious Christian names, i. 171

J. (C.) on arms of Roman Catholic Bishops, x. 458. ' Complete Peerage,' xii. 177. Gaol litera- ture, xi. 512. Portions : pensions, x. 358

J. (Ca.) on Gilbert Imlay's c Emigrants,' x. 49

J. (C. S.) on " Old Highlander," vii. 92. ' Nun, The,' xii. 55. Ruby wedding, xii. 55

J. (C. T.) on Goethe, v. 270

J. (D.) on Acts xxix., lost chapter, vi. 9. Byron on the Prince Regent, vi. 165. Dickens and the Temperance meeting, xii. 427. Dickens's Bastille prisoner, xi. 8. Dublin MS., vii. 509. Epitaphiana, xi. 504. Flying machine in 1751, xi. 145 ; xii. 171. Hamill (Major) of Capri, vii. 27. Maimonides, xi. 329. Marie Antoinette's death mask, xi. 417. Monaco (Prince of), vii. 125, 244 ; his letters, viii. 83. Nimbus, its signifi- cance, xii. 110. November 5 : Guy Fawkes celebrations, x. 434. Oliphant (Laurence) and his wives, xii. 244. Ossian, vi. 336. ' Pen- rose's Journal ' : turtle-riding, vii. 148. Pie : tart, viii. 494. " Saracen's Head," Snow Hill, xii. 132. Shakespeare : remarkable folio, v. 427. Shakespeare Visitors' Book, x. 429. Shakespeare's Sonnets, their dedication, xii. 265. Sheridan (R. B.), unprinted verses, vi. 127. Ships' periodicals, xii. 54. Southcott (Joanna), her passports, x. 405

J. (D. M.) on Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick, x. 308. Garibaldi, iv. 235. Messianic medal, iii. 489. Wheel as symbol of religion, iv. 250

J. (E. W.) on stake in racing, viii. 270

J. (F. C.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 168-

Pompadour (Madame de), her library, i. 445 J. (F. M.) on copper coins and tokens, i. 248* Sweden, King of, on balance of power, ii. 8^ Wesley (John) and gardens, i. 349 J. (G.H.) on authors of quotations wanted, vii. 232^ Constantino's Column at Constantinople, vi. 450- Quotations wanted, vi. 449 J. (J. H.) on " Scole Inn," Norfolk, i. 454 J. (L.) on Sir Matthew de Renzi, x. 369 J. (M.) on Winstanley's birthplace, ix. 469 J. (P.) on Eton House, Kent, viii. 290 J. (W.) on American Order of the Dragon, ii.

347. Local records, iv. 57.

J. (W. C.) on arms wanted, vii. 228. Current slang, vi. 247. Erskine (David), buried at Elba, iii. 407. French words in Scotch, ix. 450. London remains, viii. 337. Mill at Gos- port, Hants, x. 118. Mirage, vii. 495. Sema- phore signalling, xi. 168. Tottenham Church- yard, Middlesex, viii. 247, 437. Walcheren, xi. 509 J. (W. H.) on Audience Meadow, ii. 208, 467.

' Tom Moody,' ii. 228 J. (W. W.) on Rev. Dr. G. D'Oyly, i. 448 J.P. and M.A., question of precedence, ii. 408 Jacinth on black and yellow, Devil's colours*

iv. 10

Jack and Jill, conundrum, iii. 450 ; iv. 13, 93, 153 Jack-bar or bijou, i. 456 Jack-knives given to ugly men, xii. 508 Jackson (Sir Anthony), his English descendants,

ii. 529

Jackson (Daniel), picture -buyer, vi. 448 Jackson (E.) on Collins, i. 329 Jackson (F. M.), his death, iv. 60. On Miss Lewen

and Wesley, i. 218. Rankin (Thomas), i. 366 Jackson (Lodowicke), c. 1666, his biography,

viii. 388

Jackson and Law families, xii. 48 Jackson family, x. 328 Jacob (E.) on American yarn, ii. 251 Jacobean houses in Fleet Street, iii. 206, 250, 315 Jacobin = Jacobite, use of the word, ix. 368 Jacobin and Jacobite, their differing origins, i. 15 Jacobin soup, explanation of the term, ii. 146 Jacobite rebels, transported to America, iv. 66 j Highlanders barbadosed, viii. 68, 135, 176, 235, 317

Jacobite verses on the Georges, ii. 288, 349, 417 Jacobite wineglasses, i. 204, 293, 392 Jacobsen (Sir Jacob) and South Sea " Bubble," xii.

247, 413 Jag, meanings of the word, viii. 5, 113, 294, 372,

475, 493,

Jager, military term, xi. 189, 256, 277, 497 Jaggard (W.) on Academy of the Muses, iv. 54 American emigrants, vi. 136. Auld (G.), ix. 138. Authors of quotations, ix. 192. Auto- chrome, viii. 426. Bananas, ii. 476. Biblio- graphy of publishing, ii. 11 ; v. 361. Bidding Prayer, viii. 295. Birds as architects, ix. 66, Bishop, first, to marry, x. 475. Bombay, life in, ix. 116. ' Book -Prices Current ' Index r viii. 366. Book-trade terms, v. 69. ' British Biography,' ix. 98. Carnegie : its pronuncia- tion, iv. 52. Cemetery consecration, vii. 490 ? viii. 153. Charles I.'s waistcoat, ix. 226. ' Children of the Chapel,' i. 459 ; vii. 378. Coke or Cook ? iii. 430. Collectioner, i. 28. Cox's ' History of Warwickshire,' v. 372. Cricket pictures and engravings, v. 54. Cricket report, earliest, viii. 75. " Cuttwoorkes," ii. 149,