Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/151

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' Dandies' Ball,' ix. 217. Dead animals ex- posed on trees, xi. 518. ' Diaboliad,' by Combe, xii. 14. ' D.N.B. Epitome,' ix. 21, 83, 211, 397 ; x. 183, 282 ; xii. 24, 124, 262, 393. Dowty (Aiglen), ix. 274. Dry, as applied to spirituous liquors, viii. 371. Elizabethan library, xi. 407. Ensor (Anne), vi. 253. Essay, iii. 294. Fleet Street, No. 7, viii. 351. Gaol literature, xi. 511. Gastrell and Shakespeare's home, iv. 47. German life, xi. 498. Greek and English poetry compared, ix. 494. Har- bours, xi. 452. Heraldic mottoes, iii. 92. Holborn, v. 295. Hoppner's untraced por- traits, ix. 53. Horse, manuscript, xi. 329. Huntingdon (Countess of) at Highgate, iv. 333. Incut, xi. 257. Index saying, x. 469. In- scriptions on public buildings, i. 516. Intel- lectual harvest, late, ii. 54. "It is the Mass that matters," xi. 192. Jaggard, East Anglian family, i. 489. Jaggard-printed books, i. 506. Jones = Francis, xi. 238. Liverpool: its arms, xi. 213 ; its etymology, 391. ' Love-a-la- Mode,' x. 490. Lowe and Wright, viii. 33. JLucas families, iii. 233. Lucy (Sir Thomas), viii. 74. Man (Isle of ) and the Countess of Derby, vii. 73. Marriage in a shift, vi. 199. Mellycaton: musk - million, vi. 338. ' Me"moires de St. P^tersbourg,' v. 271. Mirage, vii. 453. Nine men's morris, vi. 214. ' Notes and Queries ' Commemoration, xii. 167, 251. ' Notes on the Book of Genesis,' iii. 97. Number-men, iii. 66. ' O for a booke," iv. 229. Parish clerk, ii. 216, 373. Parish documents, ii. 331. Paste, i. 477, 510. Paul's Alley in 1601, xi. 266. Pawnshop, earliest use, ii. 354 ; vii. 514. Photography, iv. 490 ; v. 37. Pictures, famous, as signs, iv. 218. Pictures of ' Julius Caesar ' and ' Romeo and Juliet,' iv. 234. ' Pictures of the Old and New Testaments,' iv. 57. Pinto (Men- dez), xi. 76. Place, vi. 151. Poems on Shakespeare, i. 472. Pot-gallery, its meaning, vii. 431. Pot-hooks and hangers, vii. 432. Prescriptions, i. 454. Prisoner suckled by his daughter, iv. 432. Privet : Benny, ix. 197. Publishers' Catalogues, ii. 50. Radiogram : radiographic, viii. 247. Raleigh's ' Historic of the World,' iii. 275. Roads, book on, ix. 295. Rowe's ' Shakespeare,' vii. 118. St. Dunstan's- in-the-West, xii. 278. Scribblers, irresponsible, ii. 136. Scrope - Grosvenor controversy, vi. 328. Seventeenth -century travelling, ix. 107. Shakespeare autograph, ii. 248. Shakespeare edited by Scott, vii. 428. Shakespeare in French, xi. 213. Shakespeare Memorial, ix. 332. Shakespeare Visitors' Books, x. 478. Shake- speare's plays, their sub-titles, vi. 471. Shakespeare's residence New Place, vii. 156. Shaw (Stebbing), Staffordshire MSS., viii. 116. Ships' periodicals, xi. 455. ' Short Explica- tion ' of musical terms, vii. 454. Shropshire and Montgomeryshire manors, ii. 256. Smoking and blind men, ix. 355. Sponges, xii. 438. Spring-heeled Jack, vii. 395. Stammering, x. 418. Surnames in -eng, x. 497. " Tailed " in Fuller, xii. 398. " Tell me, my Cicely, why so coy," ii. 428. ' That Reminds Me,' ix. 109. Twopenny for head, iv. 217. Watchet, its meaning, xi. 458. Willow-pattern china, ix. 437. Wiltshire naturalist, c. 1780, ii. 291. Windmills in Sussex, vii. 214. Z : name of the letter, x. 197

Jaggard family, i. 489

Jaggard-printed books, i. 506

Jaggery, ingredient of mortar, iii. 35, 76, 114, 173 ,

372 '

Jago (F. W. P.) on Cornish lexicology, i. 326 Jamaica, Admiral Benbow's grave at Kingston, vii. 7, 116 ; Jewish inscriptions at Kingston, xii. 105

Jamaica newspaper, early, i. 169 Jamaica records, viii. 29, 274, 377, 478 ; ix. 415 James I. of Scotland, his daughters, i. 507 ; ii. 55 ;

as a poet, iv. 368, 476 James IV. of Scotland, his burial-place, xii. 249,


James V. of Scotland as a poet, iv. 368, 476 James I., " God's silly vassal," i. 17 ; his Privy Councillors, 131 ; his College at Chelsea, v. 135; his parentage, ix. 74 ; and Sir W. Pope's baby girl, 347 ; and the poet Du Bartas, x. 262 ; and three ravens, xii. 448 James II., inscription on his statue, i. 67, 137 ; iii. 15, 57 ; medal issued by, 329, 376 ; his last words, xii. 210, 258 James (Anna) = Henry Paulett St. John, R.N., vi.

48 James (Rev. E. B.), his letters on the Isle of Wight,

i. 334 James (John), architect, d. 1746, his biography,

viii. 5

James (John), architect, c. 1767, ix. 127 James (J. L.) on Twyford Abbey, v. 430 James (M. R.) on a Dowsing- Jessop forgery,

v. 421 James (Roger), Fellow of Winchester College, ii.

45, 116

James (T. A.) on Vachell, xii. 48 James (V. W.) on Charles I. medallion, xii. 448 James (Sir W. Milbourne), his burial-place, ix. 169 James University, its identification, 1652, v. 47,

92, 135

' Jan Kees " and Yankees, iv. 509 ; v. 15, 111 Janau (E.) on shutters, ix. 295 Janes (Mr.), of Aberdeenshire, naturalist, ii. 54,


Janice, old English form of Jane, v. 287 Janion (C.) on " Jenion's Intack," i. 407 Janssen (Sir Theodore), c. 1708, xii. 208, 398 Janssens (H.) and Van Bassen, oil painting by,

c. 1660, v. 129 January weather-lore, i. 65

Japan, wooing staff in, ii. 504 ; stealing no crime in, 509 ; its antiquity, iii. 149, 414 ; Moham- medanism in, vii. 167 Japanese in seventeenth century, ii. 86 Japanese and Russians, language of official and

private communications, iii. 347, 417 Japanese arrow-breaking story, viii. 25 Japanese crab and moon folk-lore, viii. 186 Japanese customs on New Year's Day, i. 25 Japanese date plum, its markings, i. 212 Japanese flying machines, c. 1789, xi. 426 Japanese ghosts, i. 176 Japanese life-star folk-lore, viii. 34 Japanese lyrics, v. 429, 474 ; vi. 517 ; viii. 34 Japanese master of lies, i. 485 Japanese monkeys, i. 334 Japanese moon legends, xi. 112 Japanese names, their pronunciation, i. 187, 238 Japanese owl story, x. 409 Japanese playing cards, i. 29, 75 Japanese sea folk-lore, xi. 489 Japanese story of an ungrateful son, ix. 466 Japanese story of the living dead, xii. 366 Japanese weddings, glass -breaking at, i. 195 Jarley (Mrs.), her famous waxworks, ix. 325