Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/664

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Ditchfield (P. H.) on parish clerk, 128 Dixon (J.), Oxford almanac designer, 428 Dixon (John), mezzotinter, his biography, 482 Dixon (R.) on Fair Maid of Kent, 118

Fotheringay, 215

Names common to both sexes, 66

Oxford almanac designers, 428

Pincerna (Richard), 90

Publishers' Catalogues, 357, 455 Dobbin, a children's game, 348 Dobell (Bertram) on Bacon or Usher ? 407 Dobson (Austin) on Pamela : Pamela, 89 Documents in secret drawers, 113, 255 Dodgson (E. S.) on Amyot's anonymity, 508

Apple in many languages, 269

Asses hypnotized, 506

Bathing-machines, 67, 131

'Chanson de Roland,' 146

Crucifix, one-armed, 395

Documents in secret drawers, 113

Gaelic inscriptions in Man, 44

'God save the King,' 46

Godwyn (C.) and Baskology, 487

Goettingen Hippodrome, 528

Heuskarian rarity, 264

I.H.S., 192

Martyrdom of St. Thomas, 32, 352

Keliquije Wottonianse,' 371

" Sal et saliva," 55

Shakespeariana, 523

Spaniards of Asia, 86

Tituladoes, 16 Dog who made a will, 501 Dog-bite cure, 428, 538 Dog-names, 101, 150, 232, 469 D>nkey who made a will, 502 Dorchester (Henry Pierrepont, first Marquis of). 149,

295, 350 Dormer (J.) on battle of Bedr, 475

Battle of Spurs, 426

Bears and boars in Britain, 490

Brewer's 'Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,' 362

Diadems, 135

Dog-names, 151

I.H.S., 190

Natalese, 133

Pelican myth, 310, 430

Prescriptions, 356

" Reversion " of trees, 153

Talented, 93 Douglas (Lady Jean), 1698-1753, her portrait,

467 Douglas (R, B.) on corks, 391

Hyde de Neuville, 368 Douglas (W.) on " A shoulder of mutton," &c., 374

' Tom Moody,' 295 Douse (T. Le Marchant) on Shakespeare's Sonnet

xxvi., 133

Doyle (Sir A. Conan), his ' White Company,' 68 Dragon, American military order, 347, 412 Drake (H. H.) on Armstrong gun, 34

"Hanged, drawn, and quartered," 97

Junius, 285

Drama, early, in Chester, 29 ; Francis Bacon on, 129, 195, 331

" Drawn, hanged, and quartered," 97

Dress, Court, 107, 131

Drontheim, Archbishops of, 1148-1408, 67

Druidical circles, their many names, 128, 235, 396

Drury (C.) on dog-bite cure, 428

Painting on glass, 284 Dryden (J.) portraits, 18; burial at St. Anne's,

Soho, 440

Duelling in England, its suppression, 367, 435 Duh Ah Coo on Daldy, 249

France and civilization, 197

Shroff: shroffage, 247

'Dukery Records,' Nottinghamshire book, 126 Dumas (A.), parentage of Vicomte de Bragelonne,.

427, 496 Dunheved on England's inhabitants in 1697, 169

Peek-bo, 153

Dunkarton (R.), mezzotinter, 482 Dunn (J. P.) on Hoosier, ]47 Dunstable (John), musician, memorial tablet, 387 Durand (C. J.) on American yarn, 251 Durham House, Strand, its history, 125, 232, 293 Durham family pedigrees, 268, 331, 351 Durston (John), Fellow of Winchester College, 1553,


Dutton (Thomas), Scotch evangelist, 47 Duxbury (J.) on penny wares, 457 Dyer (Sir Edward), his poems, 32 Dyke Keeve, survival of the office, 247, 336 Dysey (E.) on Coliseums old and new, 530 E. (D.) on Sir William Calvert, 528 E. (K. P. D.) on Avalon, 309

Berwick : Steps of Grace, 426

' God save the King ' parodied, 88

Paraphernalia, 46

E. (N. R.) on bibliography of Epitaphs, 195 Eagle, Manor of, its Bailiff, 46, 134 Bales, Westminster scholar, 228, 353 East Grinstead on cockade, 407 Easter Day, Kentish custom on, 15 Fasten (W. M. G.) on Graham, 149 Eberlin (V. C.) on Dago, 351

" Though lost to sight," &c., 345 Ebsworth (J. W.) on "A shoulder of mutton," &c. r


-ed, use of the final, 47, 93, 196 Eddone on T. Beach : R. S. Hawker, 408 Eden (H. K. F.) on Morris Dancers 1 Plantation,

287 Edgar (A. and R.), Westminster scholars, 248, 352,

493 Edgcumbe (R.) on genealogy of the Bonapartes, 525

' Proems des Bourbons,' 369

Vinery at Hampton Court, 506 Edinburgh, May Day celebrations, 75 ; monuments in

Old Grey friars Churchyard, 534 Edinburgh buildings, closets in, 89, 154, 234, 297 Editorial:

" And beauty, born of murmuring sound," 460

Army, child commissions in, 420

Bayswater, 540

Beaver or bever, a meal, 180

" Budge doctors of the Stoic fur," 460

Camoens, 'Lusiad' in English, 160

Children, numerous, at a birth, 140

Christ, date of birth, 300