Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/634

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913,

Brooke (James), 1771, his parentage, 131, 289,


Broun family, Coulstoun, and magic pear, 110 Brown (Tom), 1663-1704, and " Dr. Fell," 37 Browne (Sir T.), his quotation from Ptolemy,

30, 97 ; and Gillies's ' Ancient Greece,' 188 Brun (Madame Vigee le), her portrait of

Princesse de Talleyrand, 1783, 67 Brunswick, the House of, misfortunes of, 8 " Bulgars " = Bulgarians, use of the word, 367 Bullock's Museum, Piccadilly, its situation, 92, 158 Buntingford, ringing of town bell discontinued,

1912, 27

Bunyan (J.), a relic of (?), 162, 235 Bunyan family of Nottingham, 267 Burbage (Richard), actor, c. 1582, 406 Burdett (R.), Alderman of London, d. c. 1677, 90 Burial at midnight, origin of custom, 369, 414,

474 Burl* (Edmund) on a competence for members

of Parliament, 468

Burlacy (" Lord "), 1615, his identity, 147 Burrow (William), c. 1794, his parentage, 449 Burton (Jchn), "Dr. Slop," date of his birth,

290, 375 Burton (Robert), Dr. Johnson's copies of his

' Anatomy of Melancholy,' 390 Butler family, 161

Byzantine Emperors of Constantinople, de- 'scendants of, 466

Caerphilly cheese, first use of name, 290

Caesars, twelve, in Government House, Calcutta,

205, 316

Cairn of Trivandrum, the meaning of, 388 Calcutta, statues and memorials in, 41, 104, 163,

204, 316

Calendar, Gregorian, curiosities of, 36 " Callandar's cat," meaning of, 329 Campbell family, 489

Campbell (Mungo), the ' Trial ' of, 1770, 429 Campbell (T.), c. 1729, his parentage, 158 Campden House, Kensington, its entrances, 468 Campione and the Ambrosian Rite, 32, 375 Canterbury, Port of, trials by ordeal, 368, 436 Caraccioli (Charles) on Clive, 76 Carcassonne, saying about, 57, 137, 489 Card games : Gleek, quarter loo dicing, ma we, 149 ; Primero, 187, 347 ; Basset, 310, 377 ; use of the term " trump," 378

Carlyle (Thomas), and Casanova, 16, 94, 172, 235 ; his quotation from Goethe, 106 ; Ame- rica his " Carcassonne," 489

Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark, her mar- riage, 1766, 186

Carpenter or Carpentiere, sculptor, d. 1737, 129 Carter (William), Bristol artist, 410 Cartwright (T.), Westminster scholar, 1777, 170 Casanova, and Carlyle, 16, 94, 172, 235 ; and the

English Resident at Venice, 53 Casanoviana : Charles Fox, 4, 113 ; Lord Lin- coln, 4, 137 Cassiterides, Scilly Isles, allusions to, by modern

writers, 88

Castle (A.), Westminster scholar, 1806, 170 "Castle Tavern," Eltham, 1673, 288, 375 Castrensis or De Castro (Stephanus Rodericus),

d. 1637, portrait of, 10, 97, 135 Cattle, Glamorgan breed, early reference to, 290 Cawthorne family, 327, 418, 517

Cecil (Edward), Viscount Wimbledon, d. 1638, 17

Cecil family, 271

" Chalk Sunday " = first Sunday in June, 90, 158,.


Chancellor's Sealer, the office of, 89 Chancellors of York Minster, office and duties of,.

409, 475

Chapels, proprietary, in London, 33, 83 ; dedica- tion of Nonconformist, 131, 192, 236 ; " The

Point-in- View," Exmouth, 487 Charas (Moses), b. 1618, Pharmacopoeus Regius,

10, 96, 197

Charles I., his executioner, 390, 452 Charter of Henry II., its date, 474 Chartulary of Premonstratensian house, Holy- wood, 468

" Chattelization," use of the word, 166 Chaucer (G. ), his use of " hit," 72 Chauvel (G.), of Lincoln's Inn, 1775, 170 Cheek = impudence, early use of the word, 135 Cheese, Caerphilly, first use of name, 290 " Cheev," " cheever," use of the word, 1583, 446 Chelsea Hospital, inscriptions in burying-ground,.

241, 325, 425, 504 Cherries, sale prohibited, 1742, 508 Cheshire and the Pipe Rolls, 141 Chesney family, 353, 397 Chester (Deacon of), origin of the office, 68 Chester (Col.), d. 1882, his extracts from Parish,

Registers, 90

Children, names terrible to, 172 Chilver (T. Farquhar), Westminster scholar, 1817,.


Chippendale (T.), upholsterer, c. 1770, 407 Christian names : Orlow, 10 ; Theodore, 57 Christie faniily of Baberton, 488 Christinas cards, Jonathan King's collection of,.


Christmas decorations, evergreens, 486 Christmas Eve in Provence, 505 Christinas and New Year in Paris, 481 Christ's Hospital, Speech Day, collection in white

glove, 16

Chocolate, first advertisement of, 1622, 96, 172 Church, "rites " of the, 14th century, 448, 514 Church : monuments in old City, 54 ; symbolism,

of water ilowing through, 108 ; balk thrown

in, on Easter Monday, 109, 196 ; stained

glass from Malvern, 188 ; heraldic animals as

pinnacles, 189, 317 ; consecration crosses on.

outside walls, 390, 451 ' Church Historians of England,' published by

Seeley, 1853, 296

Church registers, Canongate, Edinburgh, 50, 97 Churches: damaged by Great Storm, 1703, 115;

their history in situ, 428, 517 ; Lord Grim-

thorpe's List of, 449 Churchwardens' accounts, c. 1540, meaning of.

phrases in, 74, 390; "Communion halpens"

in, 308 Churchyard inscriptions, copies of, 206, 255, 278,.

354, 418, 474

Ciborium of Tong Church, 506 City Compters, fees payable at, 46 City Livery Companies, records of, 464 Cleopatra, whereabouts of picture of, 189 ; the

discoverer of her portrait, 234 Clere (R.), inscription on brass to, 1440, 329, 414 r


Clifford's Inn, supposed demolition of, 387, 446 Clisson, " the Lady of," her career, 429 Clive (Lord) and Charles Caraccioli, 76 Clockmakers' signs in old London, 167, 266, 306-