Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/635

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Notea and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913. SUBJECT INDEX.


<Jlothworkers' Company, references to members

410 " Club Walks," Whitsuntide processions to

church, 349, 415, 494

-Coaching of the 15th and 16th centuries, 389 Coaching tokens, article in ' Baily's Magazine,

50, 133 Cobbett (.William), bibliographv of his works, 1, 22

62, 84, 122, 142, 183, 217, 398 Cobham (Sir R.), inscription on brass to, 1442,

329, 414, 435

Cockburn (Col.), R.A., in Canada, c. 1825, 168 Cocker (E.), his descendants, 90, 176, 236, 352 Cockle-shell legend, St. James's boat, 10 Cocqcigrnes, in Kingsley's ' Water Babies,' 249,

395 ^H|

Coffee, first advertisement of, 1652, 96, 172 Coffin, Dr. Bentley " died in his," 468 Coghlan (Miss) of Bath, painted by Gainsborough,

386, 475

Coinage and weights, 1338, 388, 454 Colenoan (Prof. E.) and the Veterinary College, 305 Coleridge (S. T.) and R. Southey," their poem

4 The Devil's Walk,' 251, 310 College succession, six generations, 387 Colonies, representative government in, 206 Combe (William), his three ' Tours,' 78, 135, 198 '" Communion halpens " in churchwardens' ac- counts, 308

Compters in the City, fees payable at, 46 Compton Abdale Church, the pinnacles of, 189, 317 Compton Monceux Manor, Hants, 329, 397 "* Concise Oxford Dictionary,' additions and cor- rections, 45, 118, 127 Constable (Father), O.S.B., date of his death,

c. 1683, 27 Constantinople, descendants of the Byzantine

Emperors, 466

Conway (Hon. Mary), petition to, 1629, 327 Cooper (Alexander), his miniature paintings, 30 Cooper (Samuel), his miniatures, 30 ; his portrait

of Milton, 30, 116, 398

Copes family of Wilts, books and portraits, 210 Copper mine, Devonshire, its name, 29, 174 Copperas Houses, of Folkestone Estate, 1698, 328 Copyright in Shakespeare's time and later, 510 Corilanne (Marquis de), his genealogy, 291, 375 Corio, Australian place-name, 190, 238 Corporal punishment, books on, 70 Cort (C. F. ) of West Ham, c. 1834, 68 Counsel in trial for treason, 17th century, 49, 112,


Counties called Home Counties, 149 Counties, detached portions of, 69, 156, 234 Courtenay (Sir W. ), posed as Messiah, c. 1830,

18, 50

Cowes, Isle of Wight, origin of the name, 285 Crest, right to bear maternal grandfather's, 70 Crimean War, General Beatson and, 430, 516 Crofts, his duel, 1649, with Jeffrey Hudson, dwarf,

369, 433, 475 " Crohil geal," lichen, modern name of, 368, 416,


Cromwell (O. ), and Sir H. Vane, their pet names,

210, 396, 440 ; earliest official signature of, 330

Cromwell (Richard), and Serjeant Pengelly, 170 ;

at Cheshunt; 250, 351 Crosses, consecration, on outside walls of churches,

390, 451

Crosses, Isle of Man, runic inscriptions on, 26 Crozier (R.), artist, his biography, 340, 370 Crucifix on Edgar Tower, Worcester, 329, 393 Crueades, payment in aid of, as fines, 188

Crystal Palace, Handel Festivals at, 1857-1912,

61, 235 Cumberland (William Augustus, Duke of), bis

nickname, 410

Curfew Bell, ringer elected 1912, 466 " Curzo," meaning and origin of the word, 428 Customs and institutions, pagan, 250, 351, 370

" Dacia " = Denmark, word used c. 1110, 146, 23< "Daggs," "to set daggs," meaning of the word,


Danby (Sir Christopher), his descendants, 90 Dancers, morris, old pamphlet on, 106, 356 " Dander," derivation of the word, 468 Daniell (William), R.A., his picture ' The Long- ships Lighthouse,' 49 Dante iana : ' Inf.,' xix. 82-4, 321 Dargan (William) of Dublin, 1799-1857, 490 Darnley, his descent from Robert II., 488 Dartnell (Jacques), popular leader, c. 1537, 90 Day, Stewart, Freeman, and Pyke families, 25 Dead Sea, analyzing the water "of, 488 Death, apparent cases of, 16, 58, 133, 193, 353 Death, Shakespeare on the pain of, 28, 93 De Deene, Denny, and Windsor families, 417 Decipherment of tombstone inscriptions, 246, 337 Delafield family, the arms of, 29, 117, 313 Denny, de Deene, and Windsor families, 417 Denton (Robert), b. 1680, his parentage, 169,

274, 318

Derby, Lord Exeter's house in, 271 Dettingen, incidents of the battle of, 32 " Devil owed him a service," saying 1580, 169 Devonshire schools, pupils of, 270, 358 Dialect, almanacs published in, 235 Dickens (C.), his last reading at Leeds, 1869, 87 Dickensiana : Fagin in ' Oliver Twist,' 486 Dictionaries, curious mistakes, 407 Dictionary of National Biography,' additions and

corrections, 290, 350, 363, 381, 404, 450, 466,


' Dictograph," improved microphone, 147 Oingwall family, 11, 95

Dirck, relation of the name to Theodore, 57 Diseases caused by plants, 97 'Dish" in the phrase "dish of tea," 370, 433,

494 Dogs on tombs, earliest known date, 129, 195, 253,


Dolphin (Col. H. B.), C.B., d. 1816, 49 Dominick (C.), M.D. of Dublin, d. 1892, 330,


)ooms~in churches, frescoes, 410, 490 Doorstep, whitened, its origin, 389, 472 ' Dope, ' origin of the word, 508 Dorset (Thomas, Marquis of), his seal of arm*,


Dragoon regiments, uniform of the band, 34 )reams, -33sculapius and, classical references to,

309, 435

)rogo, Count of the Vexin, d. 1035, 107 Dryden, Daniel O'Connell's parody of, 411, 476 Du Moulin (Dr. Peter) and North Wales, c. 1700,


Duel, fatal, the last in England, 1852, 46, 134 Jugdale (Sir W.), inaccuracy of his ' Summonses,'

287 )urham (Admiral Sir C. P. H.) and the Royal

George; 110, 176, 374, 436